La magor idea de ma atifizala lingo the a simpifu le Latin veba ada la thuturo de un-consonanto con un-vovelo, in ce la vovelo pemita-pen a the un nasale vovelo. La razon the ba ce pensa-nu ce ze thuturo the la pim bon po canta. Re, the-go recira-pen a pevento de ade muta de le adizonale silabu.
Mase de le Latin veba pu regada-pen co la thuturo con baso:
A la pimo, la {s}, la pim populare combinazon the {sp-}, {st-}, {sc-}, li conveta-nu ada un singu consonanto, rephetivementi, {ph}, {th}, {ch}, lo ponunzazono dona-pen co [w], [dz], [j] (o usa [tʃ] (ch) atenativamenti) in la sim odera.
Esampu: state => thate; spera=>phera; sport => phota; science => chienzo
Ada, la {C1}, se simpifu-nu ada un legale consonanto co baso:
Ada, la {r/l}, va-lu deleta-pen.
Bo, va-go resuta a un gando vaniti de infomazona e ceato le confuzon.
Ada apende-va-nu un vovelo compensate a la fin de la veba. Po {r}, {-o}; po {l}, {-u}:
Esampu: tract => tato; train => teno; creat => ceato; glad => gadu; class => casu
La {S1}, la semivovelo in fonto de la vovelo ha mini de usago, e pu deleta-pen, ezebe la caso can apare-lu in la rado de veba, co {piano} e {violet}. Deseva-nu separata la veba ada le du C-V silabu, e un adizonale silabu ceato-pen.
La {V} the simpu relativementi. Guthi conveta {y} => {i}.
La {S2}, la semivovelo in dosa de la vovelo.
Po zi, {V+S2} pu regada-pen co un ditonge.
Simpifu-nu to le ditonge ada zince legale combinazoni: {au}, {ai}, {ei}, {ou}, {oi}.
E pusu, the-lu repesento-pen pe {a}, {e}, {i}, {o}, {u) con un compensate {-i}
ao/oa => au => a ..-i; ae/ea => ai => e ..-i; ee => ei => i ..-i; oo => ou => o ..-i; oe/eo/eu => oi => u ..-i
Esampu: cause => casi; daemon=>demoni; coffee => cofihi; moustache => mothachi; phoenix=>funisi; Europe => Uropi
La {C2} the compesu comparativementi,
ba tiso sitazoni nezese considera-pen:
A pimo, si {C2} the {r} o {l}, remova-pen-va-go e nezese un compensate {-a}
Esampu. depart => depata; alt => ata; culture => cutura; curt => cuta; court => cota
A seconde, si {C2} the {n} o {m}, resuta-va-go la vovelo ada varazon de nasale: aN, eN, iN, oN, uN
La {N} deseva usa {n} o {m} selon la secenze consonanto, si {b},{p},{ph} o {m}, {N} the {m}; atera, {N} the {n}.
Esampu: cant => canta; simple => simpu; autumn => atunni; environment => envirommento
A la tiso, si {C2} the atera, remova-pen-va-go e nezese un compensate {-e}
Esampu: fact => fate; experiment ({xp} regada-pen co {k+sp}) => epherimente; sign => sine; dogmatic => domatice
A final, po la {C3}, si la {C3} the la utima letere de la Latin veba, se considera-nu un adizonale silabu.
Esampu: construct => conthuto; verb => veba
Si atera, un adizonale {-e-} inseta-pen.
Esampu: partner => patenera
La pinzipu de la regu de la utima vovelo the se fe a divesa
Le regu de apende ha le cato sitazoni co baso. Si un veba satifi du categori,
Le regu con pusu ata pezedenzo va adoba-pen.
Po esampu, la veba {tract},
a veba deseva apende-pen {-a},
bo la delezon de {-r-} deseva apende {-o},
e la delezon de {-c-} recira a compensata {-e}.
La seconde un ha pim ata pezedenzi, da go finalementi deven a {tato}.
Punti | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Consonanto | Nule,h,m,n,ng | s,t,r,l | p,d,c | b,g,f,v,z | ph,th,ch |
Vovelo | Compementu | Compensate -a,-e | Compensate -o,-u | Compensate -i | Native |
La Latin veba ce usa-nu the le veba ce deriva de le Latin radi e ce apare in Engichu.
La azente locata in la vovelo in fonto de la utima consonanto.
Po peri gupo, la pimo lino the Dodolingi, la seconde lino the le Latin radi, e la tiso lino the semantico in Engichu. Noto: la utima consonanto the silente ezebe {m} o {n}.
Titu : Babel Tethe, Genesis, Bibu title : babel text , genesis, bible Title : Babel Text , Genesis, Bible --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:1 To la mundo the de un ling e de un parol . tot illa mund est de un lingu et de un parol . The whole earth was of one language and of one speech. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:2 Can vogag-lu a la orental , ocure-go ce dichover-ha-lu un quant voyage-lor ad illa oriental, occur-il que discover-hab-lor un As they journeyed east , it happened, that they have found a panu in la tere de Chinar; e viva-lu idi . plan in illa terr de Shinar; et viv-lor id . plain in the land of Shinar; and they lived there. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:3 Dit-lu un a un ater, "Ven , ni lase a fe le tili , e li combutha dit-lor un ad un altr, "ven , nostr lass ad fer illa tile , et lor combust They said one to another, "Come, let's make bricks , and burn them entirementi." Ha-lu peter po tilo , e usa-lu la tar po la motar . entire ." hab lor petr pro tile , et use-lor illa tar pro illa mortar. thoroughly ." They had brick for stone, and they used the tar for the mortar. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:4 Dit-lu , "Ven , ni lase conthuto po ni un uba , e un turet , dit-lor , "ven , nostr lass construct pro nostr un urb , et un turret, They said, "Come, let's build us a city, and a tower , sa capit arive a la zel , e ni lase fe po ni un nom ; se capit arrive ad illa cele, et nostr lass fer pro nostr un nom ; whose top reaches to the sky , and let's make us a name; ezebe ce divid-pen-nu a uter su la sufaza de to la except que divid-prehend-nostr ad ulter super illa surface de tot illa lest we be scattered abroad on the surface of the whole mundo." mund ." earth." --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:5 Gehova dechend a vis la uba e la turet , ce le infant de hom Jehowa descend ad visa illa urba et la turret, que illa infant de hom Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower , which the children of men conthuto-ha . construct-hab. had built . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:6 Gehova dit , "Atenzon , the-lu un popul , e ha-lu to un ling ; Jehowa dit , "attention, est-lor un popul , et hab-lor tot un lingu ; Yahweh said, "Behold , they are one people, and they have all one language; e the-zi ce origin-lu a fe . hotemp nule , ce intend-lu et est-hoc que origin-lor ad fer. hoc-temp nul , que intend-lor and this is what they begin to do . Now nothing, which they intend a fe , resithu-pen-va de li . ad fer, resist-prehend-vas de lor . to do , will be withheld from them. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:7 Ven , ni lase dechend, e ada confus lo ling , Ven , nostr lass descend, et ad confuse lor lingu , Come, let's down , and there confuse their language, da ne pu-lu compendo la parol de un ater." ad neg lor-poss comprehend illa parol de un altr." that they may not understand one another's speech ." --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:8 Da Gehova li divid uter de idi a la sufaza de to la mundo. ad Jehowa lor divid ultr de id ad illa surface de tot illa mund . So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth. Retha-lu de conthuto la uba . repos-lor de construct illa urb . They stopped building the city. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:9 Ada sa nom apele-pen co Babel, ba Gehova confus la ad se nom appel-prehend com Babel, ab Jehowa confus illa Therefore the name of it was called as Babel, because Yahweh confused the ling de to la mundo, idi . De idi , Gehova li divid uter lingu de tot illa mund , id . De id , Jehowa lor divid ultr language of all the earth, there. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad su la sufaza de to la mundo. super illa surface de tot illa mund . on the surface of all the earth.
2. Lord's Prayer
Titu : Na Pater title : nostr patr Title : Our Father --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Na pater in la zel, nostr patr in illa cel, Our fater in heaven, sant the ta nom . sanct est tu nom . saint is your name. Ven ta regim , ven tu regime , Come your kingdom, fe-pen ta volunt, fer-prehenad tu volunt, done your will , co in la zel e su tere . com in ille cel et sur terr . as in heaven and on earch. Na peri-di pan tu don hodi . nostr per-di pan tu dont hoc-di. Our everyday bread you give today . Padon-tu na debit, pardon-tu nostr debit, Forgive you our debts, co padon-ha-nu na debitor. com pardaon-hab-nostr nostr debitor. as we have forgotten our debtors. E tu ne ni dute enter tembazon, et tu neg nostr duc entr temptation and you not us lead into tempation, bo ni liberat-tu ether de malin. ob nostr liberat-tu extra de malign but you us liberate out of malign. Amen. amen Amen.
Afabeta | Afabeta | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fonetise | Fonetise | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thuturo de silabu | Thuturo de silabu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Consonanto] Vovelo (Nasale) | [Consonanto] Vovelo (Nasale) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Azente | Azente | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Si la utima silabu the ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la penutima silabu. Si la utima silabu nega ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la utima silabu. |
Si la utima silabu the ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la penutima silabu. Si la utima silabu nega ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la utima silabu. |
Etimologi | Etimologi | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.Coveta le Latin veba ada thuturo co baso:
{s} C1 {r/l} S1 V S2 C2 2.{s}: sp,st,sc=>ph,th,ch 3.C1: q,k=>c; ce/ci=>ze/zi; ch[ʃ,tʃ]=>ch; [ʒ/dʒ],y=>g; w=>v; x=>ch; ph=>f; th=>t; ch=>ch 4.{r/l}: deleta, e se moba a la fin co -o / -u 5.S1: deleta si nega la rado de veba; si atera, separata a du silabu 6.V: guthe a e i o u, y=>i 7.S2: combina con V ada varazon: au, ai, ei, ou, oi. da conveta ada a, e, i, o, u con un compensate -i 8.C2: 8.a. C2:si {r} / {l}, deleta e nezese un compensate {-a} 8.b. C2:si {n} / {m}, combina con V ada nasale varazon: aN, eN, iN, oN, uN 8.c. C2:si atera, deleta e nezese un compensate {-e} 9.C3:ceato un separate silabu, ce nezese un final vovelo. 9.1. compensate: po -R-, -O; po -L-, -U; po ditonge, -I; po -R/-L, -A; pu dupu-consonanto, -E 9.2. native: la native utima vovelo 9.3. compementu:nomo nominative -o; genitive -e; acusative -o (atenativamenti: -a); nomo puralu -i; veba -a; (atenativamenti: veba pathe -e; future -o; continose -i; pasive voco -u;) agetive -e; aveba -i | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vocabulari | Vocabulari | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Le veba ce deriva de le Latin radi e ce apare in Engichu. | Le veba ce deriva de le Latin radi e ce apare in Engichu. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ponomo | Ponomo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capite Veba | Capite Veba | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||