Dodolingi (vesona 2015)

Dodolingi (vesona 2015)

un atifizala lingo de Jian Huang
un atifizal ling pe mi
  1. Intoduzono
  2. Sampu Paragafo
  3. Deteli de Chema
  4. Dichuson
  5. Dizonari de Dodolingi a Engichu
  6. Dizonari de Engichu a Dodolingi
  7. Analisiso de Dupicazonu
  8. Tanlazono de Engichu
  9. Tanlazono de Chines
  10. Tanlazon de Dodolingi (refetivu intoduzono, ze documento)
  11. Dodolingi in la sito "wikia"


La pinzipu: a compeso le Latin veba ada la C-V silabu

La magor idea de ma atifizala lingo the a simpifu le Latin veba ada la thuturo de un-consonanto con un-vovelo, in ce la vovelo pemita-pen a the un nasale vovelo. La razon the ba ce pensa-nu ce ze thuturo the la pim bon po canta. Re, the-go recira-pen a pevento de ade muta de le adizonale silabu.

Mase de le Latin veba pu regada-pen co la thuturo con baso:

{s} {consonanto} {r/l} {i/u} vovelo {i/u} {consonanto} {consonanto}
Se chibo-nu po simpu co baso:
s C1 (r/l) S1 V S2 C2 C3
La tageta the a simpifu ze phezi de thuturo ada la un co baso:
C V (V pemita-pen a un nasale vovelo)

Pata {s}

A la pimo, la {s}, la pim populare combinazon the {sp-}, {st-}, {sc-}, li conveta-nu ada un singu consonanto, rephetivementi, {ph}, {th}, {ch}, lo ponunzazono dona-pen co [w], [dz], [j] (o usa [tʃ] (ch) atenativamenti) in la sim odera.
Esampu: state => thate; spera=>phera; sport => phota; science => chienzo

Pata {consonanto 1}

Ada, la {C1}, se simpifu-nu ada un legale consonanto co baso:

b p m f v
d t n s z
g c h r l
Le ponunzazono asine-pen co, z : [ts] (de Gemana), c : [k] asolutementi, h : [ŋ] (ng) (o usa [ʃ] atenativementi), r : [h] (de Fanzeso, pevento-nu la [r] ba the-go dificuta a ponunzo)
Le deteli pu considera-pen in pusu impovomento, bo la magor tageta the a se simpifu ada un singu e simpu consonanto.
Un ezebone the ce la {pt} ce conveta-pen a {b}.
Regu: ph => f; w => v; th => t; c ([s]) => z; q,k => c; x => ch; ch ([ʃ]/[tʃ]) => ch; j,y => g (via gi-); pt => b
Esampu: photo => foto; wagon => vagon; cent => zente; center => zenter; aqua => aca; question => cethon; tank => tanco; xerox => cherose; china => china; japan => gapan; adopt => adoba

Pata {r/l}

Ada, la {r/l}, va-lu deleta-pen. Bo, va-go resuta a un gando vaniti de infomazona e ceato le confuzon. Ada apende-va-nu un vovelo compensate a la fin de la veba. Po {r}, {-o}; po {l}, {-u}:
Esampu: tract => tato; train => teno; creat => ceato; glad => gadu; class => casu

Pata {semivovelo 1}

La {S1}, la semivovelo in fonto de la vovelo ha mini de usago, e pu deleta-pen, ezebe la caso can apare-lu in la rado de veba, co {piano} e {violet}. Deseva-nu separata la veba ada le du C-V silabu, e un adizonale silabu ceato-pen.

Pata {vovelo}

La {V} the simpu relativementi. Guthi conveta {y} => {i}.

Pata {semivovelo 2}

La {S2}, la semivovelo in dosa de la vovelo. Po zi, {V+S2} pu regada-pen co un ditonge. Simpifu-nu to le ditonge ada zince legale combinazoni: {au}, {ai}, {ei}, {ou}, {oi}. E pusu, the-lu repesento-pen pe {a}, {e}, {i}, {o}, {u) con un compensate {-i}
ao/oa => au => a ..-i; ae/ea => ai => e ..-i; ee => ei => i ..-i; oo => ou => o ..-i; oe/eo/eu => oi => u ..-i
Esampu: cause => casi; daemon=>demoni; coffee => cofihi; moustache => mothachi; phoenix=>funisi; Europe => Uropi

Pata {consonanto 2}

La {C2} the compesu comparativementi, ba tiso sitazoni nezese considera-pen:
A pimo, si {C2} the {r} o {l}, remova-pen-va-go e nezese un compensate {-a}
Esampu. depart => depata; alt => ata; culture => cutura; curt => cuta; court => cota
A seconde, si {C2} the {n} o {m}, resuta-va-go la vovelo ada varazon de nasale: aN, eN, iN, oN, uN
La {N} deseva usa {n} o {m} selon la secenze consonanto, si {b},{p},{ph} o {m}, {N} the {m}; atera, {N} the {n}.
Esampu: cant => canta; simple => simpu; autumn => atunni; environment => envirommento
A la tiso, si {C2} the atera, remova-pen-va-go e nezese un compensate {-e}
Esampu: fact => fate; experiment ({xp} regada-pen co {k+sp}) => epherimente; sign => sine; dogmatic => domatice

Pata {consonanto 3}

A final, po la {C3}, si la {C3} the la utima letere de la Latin veba, se considera-nu un adizonale silabu.
Esampu: construct => conthuto; verb => veba
Si atera, un adizonale {-e-} inseta-pen.
Esampu: partner => patenera

La fino e la compensazon

La pinzipu de la regu de la utima vovelo the se fe a divesa
Le regu de apende ha le cato sitazoni co baso. Si un veba satifi du categori, Le regu con pusu ata pezedenzo va adoba-pen.
Po esampu, la veba {tract}, a veba deseva apende-pen {-a}, bo la delezon de {-r-} deseva apende {-o}, e la delezon de {-c-} recira a compensata {-e}. La seconde un ha pim ata pezedenzi, da go finalementi deven a {tato}.

    Le regu:
  1. Compensate
    delezon de -r- : -o
    delezon de -l- : -u

    compezono de ditonge : -i

    delezon de -r / -l : -a
    delezon de dupu consonanto : -e
  2. Native
    Si la origin veba temina con un vovelo
  3. Compementu ( o natural )
    nominative (sugete) nomo : -o
    genitive (pedicativo) nomo : -e
    acusative (ogete) nomo : -o (atenativamenti: -a)
    puralu nomo : -i
    nomala veba : -a
    (atenativamenti: veba de pathe tenso : -e) (pefero a usa modal veba sufiche {-ha})
    (atenativamenti: veba de future tenso : -o) (pefero a usa modal veba sufiche {-va})
    (atenativamenti: veba de continose tenso : -i) (pefero a usa modal veba sufiche {-thin})
    (atenativamenti: veba de pasive voco : -e) (pefero a usa modal veba sufiche {-pen})
    veba : -a
    agetive : -e
    aveba : -i
    peposizono, connezon: -e

Omita la final silabu

Ba la final silabu convei mini infomazon in tempi, pu-lu omita-pen. La pinzipu a omita the: la infomazon ce apare the pusu dan la infomazon ce disapare.
A pimo, oseva-nu la utima silabu, et don-nu le punti po la consonanto e la vovelo rephetivementi, usa-thin la base tabu.
VoveloCompementuCompensate -a,-eCompensate -o,-uCompensate -iNative
Si la punti de la consonanto o de la vovelo the 4, da ne pu-nu omita la fina silabu.
Si atera, caculata-nu la sum de le punti de la consonanto e la vovelo. Si la number de silabu ezebe la utima un the pusu dan la sum, pu-nu omita la final silabu.
Pothe se omita, la consonato remeni la chiburo encor, bo la azente ne changa-va. La {m}, {n}, {g} ce remeni pu encor changa la nasale ponunzazono de la penutima silabu.
Un esampu: {important} => {impotanta}; consonante-punti(t) = 1, vovele-punti(-a) = 1, sum = 1 + 1 = 2, silabu-number(impotan) = 3 >= 2, ada: {impotant}.
Un atera esampu: {provide} => {povido}; consonante-punti(d) = 2, vovele-punti(-o) = 2, sum = 2 + 2 =4, silabu-number(povi) = 2 < 4, ada: {povido}.

Selezon de veba

La Latin veba ce usa-nu the le veba ce deriva de le Latin radi e ce apare in Engichu.


La azente locata in la vovelo in fonto de la utima consonanto.

Sampu Paragafo

Po peri gupo, la pimo lino the Dodolingi, la seconde lino the le Latin radi, e la tiso lino the semantico in Engichu.
Noto: la utima consonanto the silente ezebe {m} o {n}.

Titu  : Babel Tethe, Genesis, Bibu
title : babel text , genesis, bible
Title : Babel Text , Genesis, Bible

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

To  la    mundo the de un  ling     e   de un  parol .
tot illa  mund  est de un  lingu    et  de un  parol .
The whole earth was of one language and of one speech.

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Can   vogag-lu       a  la   orental , ocure-go     ce   dichover-ha-lu   un
quant voyage-lor     ad illa oriental, occur-il     que  discover-hab-lor un
As    they journeyed east            , it happened, that they have found  a

panu  in la   tere de Chinar; e   viva-lu    idi  .
plan  in illa terr de Shinar; et  viv-lor    id   .
plain in the  land of Shinar; and they lived there.

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Dit-lu    un  a  un ater, "Ven , ni    lase a  fe   le   tili , e   li  combutha
dit-lor   un  ad un altr, "ven , nostr lass ad fer  illa tile , et  lor combust
They said one to another, "Come, let's      make    bricks    , and burn them

entirementi." Ha-lu    peter po  tilo , e   usa-lu    la   tar po  la   motar .
entire     ." hab lor  petr  pro tile , et  use-lor   illa tar pro illa mortar.
thoroughly ." They had brick for stone, and they used the  tar for the  mortar.

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Dit-lu   , "Ven , ni    lase conthuto  po  ni    un uba , e   un turet ,
dit-lor  , "ven , nostr lass construct pro nostr un urb , et  un turret,
They said, "Come, let's      build     us        a  city, and a  tower ,

sa    capit arive   a  la   zel , e   ni    lase fe   po  ni    un nom ;
se    capit arrive  ad illa cele, et  nostr lass fer  pro nostr un nom ;
whose top   reaches to the  sky , and let's      make us        a  name;

ezebe  ce  divid-pen-nu         a  uter  su    la   sufaza  de to  la
except que divid-prehend-nostr  ad ulter super illa surface de tot illa
lest       we    be   scattered abroad   on    the  surface of the whole

mund ."

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Gehova dechend   a  vis  la   uba  e   la  turet , ce    le   infant   de hom
Jehowa descend   ad visa illa urba et  la  turret, que   illa infant   de hom
Yahweh came down to see  the  city and the tower , which the  children of men

conthuto-ha  .
had built    .

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Gehova dit , "Atenzon  , the-lu   un  popul , e   ha-lu     to   un  ling    ;
Jehowa dit , "attention, est-lor  un  popul , et  hab-lor   tot  un  lingu   ;
Yahweh said, "Behold   , they are one people, and they have all  one language;

e   the-zi   ce   origin-lu  a  fe . hotemp   nule   , ce    intend-lu
et  est-hoc  que  origin-lor ad fer. hoc-temp nul    , que   intend-lor
and this is  what they begin to do . Now      nothing, which they intend

a  fe , resithu-pen-va     de   li  .
ad fer, resist-prehend-vas de   lor .
to do , will be withheld   from them.

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Ven , ni    lase dechend, e   ada   confus  lo    ling    ,
Ven , nostr lass descend, et  ad    confuse lor   lingu   ,
Come, let's      down   , and there confuse their language,

da   ne  pu-lu    compendo   la   parol  de un ater."
ad   neg lor-poss comprehend illa parol  de un altr."
that they may not understand one another's speech  ."

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Da Gehova li  divid      uter   de   idi   a  la   sufaza  de to  la   mundo.
ad Jehowa lor divid      ultr   de   id    ad illa surface de tot illa mund .
So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there on the  surface of all the  earth.

Retha-lu de conthuto   la   uba .
repos-lor de construct illa urb .
They stopped building  the  city.

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Ada       sa nom         apele-pen     co  Babel, ba      Gehova confus   la
ad        se nom         appel-prehend com Babel, ab      Jehowa confus   illa
Therefore the name of it was called    as  Babel, because Yahweh confused the

ling     de to  la   mundo, idi  . De   idi  , Gehova li  divid      uter
lingu    de tot illa mund , id   . De   id   , Jehowa lor divid      ultr
language of all the  earth, there. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad

su    la   sufaza  de to  la   mundo.
super illa surface de tot illa mund .
on    the  surface of all the  earth.

2. Lord's Prayer

Titu  : Na    Pater
title : nostr patr
Title : Our   Father

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Na    pater in la   zel,
nostr patr  in illa cel,
Our   fater in      heaven,

sant  the ta   nom .
sanct est tu   nom .
saint is  your name.

Ven  ta   regim  ,
ven  tu   regime ,
Come your kingdom,

fe-pen       ta   volunt,
fer-prehenad tu   volunt,
done         your will  ,

co  in la   zel e   su  tere .
com in ille cel et  sur terr .
as  in heaven   and on  earch.

Na    peri-di  pan   tu  don  hodi  .
nostr per-di   pan   tu  dont hoc-di.
Our   everyday bread you give today .

Padon-tu    na    debit,
pardon-tu   nostr debit,
Forgive you our   debts,

co  padon-ha-nu       na    debitor.
com pardaon-hab-nostr nostr debitor.
as  we have forgotten our   debtors.

E   tu  ne  ni    dute enter tembazon,
et  tu  neg nostr duc  entr  temptation
and you not us    lead into  tempation,

bo  ni    liberat-tu ether de malin.
ob  nostr liberat-tu extra de malign
but you us liberate  out   of malign.


Deteli de Chema

Afabeta Afabeta
Fonetise Fonetise
B b [b] b in book P p [p] p in pen PH ph [w] w in wall (!) M m [m] m in map F f [f] f in fall V v [v] v in vow
D d [d] d in dog T t [t] t in take TH th [dz] ds in words (!) N n [n] n in name S s [s] s in say Z z [ts] ts in gets (!)
G g [g] g in go C c [k] c in cat (!) CH ch [j] y in yes / [tʃ] ch in chin (!) H h [ŋ] ng in long / [ʃ] sh in shy (!) R r [h] h in how (!) L l [l] l in low
A a [ɑ] a in tomato E e [ɛ] e in set I i [i] i in fit O o [ɔ] o in dog U u [u] u in put
Noto !: le ponunzazono ce nezese de cazoni
Thuturo de silabu Thuturo de silabu
[Consonanto] Vovelo (Nasale) [Consonanto] Vovelo (Nasale)
Azente Azente
Si la utima silabu the ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la penutima silabu.
Si la utima silabu nega ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la utima silabu.
Si la utima silabu the ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la penutima silabu.
Si la utima silabu nega ovetura in chibo, la azente locata in la utima silabu.
Etimologi Etimologi
1.Coveta le Latin veba ada thuturo co baso: {s} C1 {r/l} S1 V S2 C2
2.{s}: sp,st,sc=>ph,th,ch
3.C1: q,k=>c; ce/ci=>ze/zi; ch[ʃ,tʃ]=>ch; [ʒ/dʒ],y=>g; w=>v; x=>ch; ph=>f; th=>t; ch=>ch
4.{r/l}: deleta, e se moba a la fin co -o / -u
5.S1: deleta si nega la rado de veba; si atera, separata a du silabu
6.V: guthe a e i o u, y=>i
7.S2: combina con V ada varazon: au, ai, ei, ou, oi. da conveta ada a, e, i, o, u con un compensate -i
8.a. C2:si {r} / {l}, deleta e nezese un compensate {-a}
8.b. C2:si {n} / {m}, combina con V ada nasale varazon: aN, eN, iN, oN, uN
8.c. C2:si atera, deleta e nezese un compensate {-e}
9.C3:ceato un separate silabu, ce nezese un final vovelo.
9.1. compensate: po -R-, -O; po -L-, -U; po ditonge, -I; po -R/-L, -A; pu dupu-consonanto, -E
9.2. native: la native utima vovelo
9.3. compementu:nomo nominative -o; genitive -e; acusative -o (atenativamenti: -a); nomo puralu -i; veba -a; (atenativamenti: veba pathe -e; future -o; continose -i; pasive voco -u;) agetive -e; aveba -i
Vocabulari Vocabulari
Le veba ce deriva de le Latin radi e ce apare in Engichu. Le veba ce deriva de le Latin radi e ce apare in Engichu.
Ponomo Ponomo
Capite Veba Capite Veba
la, le(plural)deeosu, superainpopecon
zi, ze, hozidi, ge, idicicecan, candau, ubipa, po-ceca, calecu, cuale
co, comobu, subusisida, adaese, po, baconto, antire, encoriba, aba
hon, homofemadomofe, ferathe, tha, ethamu, mutapaciche, eche, pusupim, pimo, mase


thomasruhm: La veba {vogag] sembu como go ha dure {g}; pu la {g} the gentu in le ater veba? thomasruhm: Visa-mi ce the-i un aficato {c}, co la {z} in {ezebe}. In la caso ce la {sc} in {dechend} changa-ha ada {ch} in avanze de ce {c} deven a {z}. Padraic Brown: Un fa the confus-thin: Pendo-ha-mi la impesono ce abandon-go le son "dificut-a-pononzo" como [l] e [r], bo encor sa tethe repetu-pen con veba como {parol}. Padraic Brown: Un ater punti de confuson the ce sembu-go se-pona-ha ada un thango regimen de mental ginnathise thomasruhm: Fe tu ha in mental la ponunzazono de Gemana e Uropani orental, can dezid-tu la via de usa [g} e {c}? thomasruhm: La theso in veba, ce originalementi ha du consosnanti, pu contibuto a la dezison su cu de li manda sutheni. Padraic Brown: (sever le cethon zica la odera de veba selezon)

Diari de modificazon

2004 Ceato
2014 Modifi la lingo 2014 Modifi la documento 2015 Modifi la lingo