Alphabet ah bih zih dih eh efe gih aha ih geh ceh ele em en o pi cu ara ese ti u vih dupuvu eche vai zede a bi zi di e fe gi ha i ge ce le em en o pi cu ra se ti u vi vu che va ze Numbers zero une du tiso cato zince sise sebe ote nove deze zente mile milone zero un du tiso cato zince sise sebe ote nove deze zente mile milon ze un du ti ca zin si se o no de zen mi milon This dictionary contains 2352 English words and its Dodolingi translation. Column 1. English word 2. Dodolingi word 3. type of ending vowel ' : compensated - : natal ~ : semantic natural . : natural 4. type of word 5. Latin or English root 6. reference word in English (obleted if it is the same with 1.) English Doudouling V Type Root Reference --------------- -------------- - ---- ----------- -------------------- a un . num uni unite ability abiliti - n abil able abu ' adj able about zicuma ' prep circ circumstance above supera - prep super abroad esotice ' adv ex exotic absence asenze ' n sence absent asente ' adj sent absolute asolute ' adj solut accept azebe ' v cept accident azidente ' n cid accord acoda ' v/n cord account aconte ' v/n count accuse acuse ' v cus accustom acuthome ' v custom ache panico . n pan panic acid azido . n cid across dia - prep dia diagonal act ate ' v/n act action azone ' n act active ative ' adj act actor atore ' n act actress ateso ' n act actual atale ' adj act add ade ' v add addition adizone ' n add address adese ' n dress adjustment aguthemento . n just admire amire ' v mir admission amisone ' n miss admit amite ' v mit adopt adoba . v opt adoption adobon . n opt advance avanze ' n vance advantage avantage ' n vant adventure aventure ' n vent advertise avetisa ' n vert advertisement avetisementa ' n vert advice avize ' n vic advise avise ' v vis affair aferi ' n fair afford afoda ' v ford afraid timide . adj tim timid after potha - prep post posterior afternoon pothamidi - n mid-di midlle-diurnal again encori . adv encore encore against anti - prep anti antibody age age - prep age agency agenzi - n ag agent agento . n ag ago pase ' n pass past agree agiho ' v gree agreement agimento ' n gree agriculture agicuturo ' n agr-cult ahead fonto ' adv front aim tageta ' v/n target air eri ' n air airplane epanu ' n air-plan alike simile . adj simil similar alive vivante . adj viv vivacity all tote/o . a/n tot total allow alove ' v low allowance alovanze ' n low almost aposimo ' adv prox approximately alone solitudi . adv sol solitude along tazo ' prep trace aloud lodementi ' adv loud loudly already competu ' adv plet completely also re - adv re repeat although conto ' conj contr contrary altogether conzentato ' adv centr concentrate always etena ' adv eter eternal ambition ambizon . n amb ambitious ambizose . adj amb among(st) into ' prep intra intracell amount cantiti - n quant quantity amuse amuse - v mus amusement amusemento . n mus ancient anzente . adj anc and e - conj et et cetera anger furi - adj fur fury angle angu ' n angul angular angry furi - adv fur furious animal animalo . n anim annoy annoi . v noy annoyance annoganze - n noy another un-ato ' adj uni-altr unite-alternate answer rephonda . a spond respond answer rephondo . n sponse response anxiety anchieti - n anx anxious anchose . adj anx any pere - adj per percent anybody pere-homo . pron per-hom percent-homicide anyhow pere-ca - adv per-ca percent-quality anyone pere-uno . pron per-uni percent-unite anything pere-fate ' pron per-fact percent-fact anyway pere-via - adv per-via percent-via anywhere pere-ubi - adv per-ubi percent-ubiquitous apart apata ' adj part apology apologi - n ap-log apparatus aparatuse ' n par appear apare ' v par appearance aparanze ' n par applaud apadu ' v plaud applause apasu ' n plause apple apu ' n apple application apicazonu ' n plic apply apicu ' v plic appoint apunte ' v punct approval apovalo ' adj prov approve apovo ' v prov arch aca ' n/a arc argue aguva ' v argu argument agumenta ' n argu arise ori(ta) - v ori orient arm bazo ' n brace embrace army ama ' n arm around zicuma ' prep circum arrange arange ' n range arrest arethe ' v rest arrive arive ' v riv arrow arove ' n arrow art ata ' n art article aticu ' n art artificial atifizala ' adj art as co/como - prep com common ash acho . n ash ashamed digazo ' adj grace disgrace aside uterosa ' adv ultr ulterior ask roga . v rog interrogative asleep domanta ' adj dorm dormant association asozazone ' n soc astonish athonise ' adj ton at a/in - prep ad/in advent/in attack atace ' v/n tac attempt atembe ' v/n tempt attend atende ' v tend attention atenzone ' n tent attentive atentive ' adj tent attract atato ' v tract attraction atazono ' n tract attractive atativo ' adj tract audience adenzi ' n aud aunt anta - n aunt authority atoriti ' n auth automatic atomatici ' adj aut-mat autumn atonni ' n autumn avenue avenu(vo) - n ven venture average average . adj aver avoid avudi ' v void avoidance avudanzi ' n void awake sobere . adj sober sober away depata ' adv part depart awkward acevadi ' adj awk axe ase ' n ax baby babi - n baby back dosa ' n/a dors dorsal backward reto ' adv retr retrospect bad male . adj mal malicious bag saco . n sac sack baggage bagage ' n bag bake torefe ' v torr torrefy balance balanze - n bal ball gobu ' n glob global band bando . n band bank banco . n bank bar baro/a . n/v bar barber barbero . n barb bare bare/nude . adj barnud bargain bagena ' n bargain barrel barele ' n barrel base base - n bas basic basice . adj bas basin basin . n basin basis basiso . n bas basket bacheto . n basket bath mesa ' v mers immerse bathe bato . n bath battle batale ' n battal battalion bay gufa ' n gulf gulf be tha/etha . v est id est beak beci ' v beak beam bemi ' n beam bean beni ' n bean bear sutheni ' v tain sustain beard beda ' n beard beast bethi ' n best beat bata . v bat baton beautiful bele ' adj bell belle beauty belite ' n bell belle because ese ' conj ex exteroir become devena . v ven venture bed bedo . n bed bedroom bedechambo . n bed-chambr bed-chamber before avan(te) ' conj vant advance beg bega . v beg begin origin . n origin origin begin origina . v origin origin behave behave - v have behavior behavoro . n have behind potha - prep post posterior being ethi ~ v est id est belief cedito ' n cred credit believe cedo ' v cred credit bell bele ' n bell belong deseva ' v serv deserve below subu/infera - prep sub/infer subtract/inferior belt beta ' n belt bend picu ' v plic ply beneath infera . prep infer inferior bent incinazonu ' n clin inclination berry bere ' n berri beside ezebe ' prep cept except besides po-pusu ' adv pro-plus pro-plus best obime . adj opt optimal better melore . adj melior ameliorate between inte(re) - prep inter international beyond penetato ' adj penetr penetrate bicycle bizicu ' n cycle big gando ' adj grand bill bile ' n bill bind bonda . v bond bondage bird avi - n avi aviculture birth natalo . n nat natal bit bito . n bit bite bite - v bite bitter suferante ' adj fer suffering black nigo ' adj nigr nigrate blade badu ' n blade blame bafemu ' v blasphem blasphemy bleed esangine ' v sanguin exsanguinate bless benedita ' v ben-dit benediction blind divisante ' adj vis visible block bocu ' n block blood sangin . n sanguin sanguine blow bovu ' v blow blue azure . adj azure azure board panelo . n pan panel boast bathi ' v boast boat navo . n nav naval body copa ' n corp corporal boil buli ' v boil boiling bulingi ' adj boil bold boda ' adj bold bone oso . n os os book libo . n libr library border bondari - n bond boundary borrow inlese ' v lease lease both ambi - adj ambi ambilateral bottle botu ' n bottle bottom base ' n bass bass bound bondu ~ v bond bond boundary bondari - n bond bow bova . v bow bowl boli ' n bowl box bose ' n box boy filo ' n fil filly brain zefalo . n ceph cephal branch bancho ' n branch brass baso ' n brass brave bavo ' adj brave bravery bavero ' adj brave bread pan/paniso . n pan company breadth latitude . adj lat latitude break dethuto ' v struct destruct breakfast deganeri ' n jeun dejeuner breath ame ' v atmo atmosphere bribe bibo ' v bribe bribery bibero ' n bribe brick tile - n tile tile bridge ponto . n pont pontine bright bilanto ' adj brill brilliant brighten luminiza - v lum luminize bring pota ' v port porter broad late . adj lat latitude broadcast late-catha . v lat-cast latitude-cast broken dethute ' adj struct destruct brother fato/fatero ' n frater fraternity brown bono ' adj brown brush bucho ' v brush bucket barele ' n barrel barrel build conthuto ' v struct construct building conthuzono ' n struct construction bunch buncho . n bunch bundle bundu ' n bundle burn combutha . v combust combustion burst butha ' n burst bury intere ' v terr inter bus buso . n bus bush bucho . n brush business commeza ' n merc commerce businesslike commezara ' adj merc commerce businessman commezanta ' n merc commerce busy engagu ~ adj gage engage but bo/obo - conj ob obstacle butter butere ' n butter button butone ' n button buy puchasa ' v chas purchase by pe - prep per percept cage cage - n cage cake cace - n cake calculate caculata ' v calc calculation caculazona ' n calc calculator caculatora ' n calc call pela . v pell appellate calm cama ' adj calm camera camera - n cam camp campo . n camp can pose ' v poss possible canal canalo . n can canal canvas canvaso . n canvas cap capo . n cap cape cape - n cape capital capitalo . n cap captain cabeni ' n cap car caro . n car card cada ' n card care care - n care carriage carage ' n carr carry care ' v carr cart cata ' n cart case case - n case castle cathu ' n castle cat cato . n cat catch caba . v capt capture cattle catu ' n cattle cause casi ' n cause caution cazoni ' n caut cautious cazosi ' adj caut cave cavo . n cav cent zento . n cent center zentero . n center century zenturi - n cent ceremony zeremoni - n ceremon certain zetena ' n cert certainty zetenta ' n cert chain cheni ' n chain chair sido . n sid president chairman pesidento ' n sid president chalk chaca ' n chalk chance chanze - n chance change vari/change - n change character caratere ' n charact charge chaga ' n charge charm chama ' adj charm cheap depezo ' adj prec depreciate cheat digise ' v guis disguise check chece ' v check cheer mere ' adj merry merry cheese chisi ' n cheese chemical cemicale . adj chem chest petore ' n pect pectoral chicken cocine ' n cocc chief zefe . adj chef child infanto . n infant infant childhood infanzi - n infanc infancy chimney chinnei . n chimney choice chuzi ' v choice choose selete ' v lect Christmas cithemaso . n christmas church chucha ' n church circle zicu ' n circle circular ziculara ' adj circ citizen zitizen . n citi city uba ' n urb urban civilize ziviliza . v civil claim camu ' v clam class casu ' n class classification casificazonu ' n class classify casificu ' n class clay cagu ' n clay clean cenu ' n clean clear caru ' adj clar clerk cecu ' n clerk clever inteligente ' adj leg intelligent cliff cifu ' n cliff climb monta . n mont mount clock cocu ' n clock close cusu ' v clus inclusion cloth vetho . n vest vestment cloud nebulo . n nebul nebula club cubu ' n club coal cali ' n coal coarse cusora ' adj curs cursory coast cotho . n coast coat mantu . n mantle mantle coffee cofihi ' n coffee coin cuni ' n coin cold figo ' adj frige refrigerator collar colare ' n coll collect colete ' v lect collection colezone ' n lect collector coletore ' n lect college colege ' n leg colony coloni - n col color coloro . n color comb combo . n comb combine combina . v bin come vena . v ven comfort comfota ' v fort command commanda . v mand commerce commeza ' n merce commercial commezala ' adj merce committee commitihi ' n mit common common . adj com companion companon . n pan companionship companoniti - n pan company compani - n pan compare compara . n par comparison comparizon . n par compete compete - v pet competition competizon . n pet competitor competitoro . n pet complain companu ' n plan complaint compantu ' n plan complete competu ' n plet completion compezonu ' n plet complex compesu ' adj plex complicate compicatu ' adj plic compose compose - v pos composition composizon . n pos concern conzena ' v cern condition condizon . n dit confess confese ' v fess confession confesone ' n fess confidence confidenze - n fid confident confidente . adj fid confidential confidenzale . adj fid confuse confuse - v fus confusion confuson . n fus congratulate congatulato ' v grat congratulation congatulazono ' n grat connect connete ' v nect connection connezone ' n nect conquer concera . v quer conqueror conceroro . n quer conquest concetho . n quest conscience conchienze - n sci conscious conchiose . adj sci consider considera . v sider contain conteni ' v tain content contento . n tent continue continu - v tin control contolo ' v trol convenience convenenze - n ven convenient convenente . adj ven conversation convesazona ' n vers cook coco . n coc precocious cool figeno ' adj frig refrigerator copper copere ' n copper copy copi - v copy cork coca ' n cork corn cona ' n corn corner conera ' n corn correct corete ' v rect correction corezone ' n rect cost cotha . v cost cottage cotage ' n cot cotton cotone ' n cotton cough cofi ' v cough could pose ' v poss possible council conzilo . n cil count conta . v count country pesi ' v pays paysage courage coragi ' n cour course cosa ' n cours court cota ' n court cousin cosini ' n cousin cover convera . n cover cow vacine ' n vacc vaccine coward covada ' adj coward cowardice covadiza ' n cowardice crack caco ' v crack crash colase ' v laps collapse cream cemo ' n cream creature ceaturo ' n creat credit cedito ' n cred creep sepa ' v serp serpent crime cimo ' n crim criminal ciminalo ' n criminal critic citico ' n crit crop copo ' v crop cross cuzo ' v cruc crucify crowd confuenzu ' n flu confluence crown corona - n coron corona cruel cuelo ' adj cruel crush cucho ' v crush cry cito ' v crit cultivate cutivata ' v cult cultivation cutivazona ' n cult cultivator cutivatora ' n cult cup cupo . n cup cupboard cupepanelo . n cup-pan cup-panel cure cura . v cur curious curose . adj cur curl cuva ' v curv curve current curente ' a/n curr curse curse - n curs curtain cutena ' n curt curve cuva ' n curv cushion cuchon . n cush custom cuthomo . n custom customary cuthomari - n custom customer cuthomero . n custom cut sete ' v sect section daily cotidan . adj quot-di quotidian damage damage - n dam damp hume/humide . adj humid humid dance danze - v dance danger dangero . n danger dare vala . v val valiant dark ochure ' adj scur obscure darken ochurize ' v scur obscure date date - n date daughter fila ' n fill filly day dio . n di diurnal daylight solelumin . n sol-lum solar-luminance dead mota ' adj mort mortal deaf disacothici ' adj coust acoustic deafen disacothizi ' v coust acoustic deal pozese ' n cess process dear cheri - adj cher cheer death motala ' n mort mortal debt debito . n debit debit decay decada . v cad decadent deceit dezebon . n cept deception deceive dezeba . v cept deception decide dezida . v cid decision dezison . n cis decisive dezisive . adj cis declare decaru ' v clar decrease deceato ' v creat deed fate ' n fact fact deep pofondo ' adj fond profound deepen pofondizo ' v fond profound deer venison . n venis venison defeat defeti ' v feat defend defenda . v fend defendant defendanto . n fend defense defense - n fens degree degihi ' n gree delay delai . n lay delicate delicate . adj lic delight delete ' n lect delectate deliver delivera . v liver delivery deliveri - n liver demand demanda . v mand department depatementa ' n part depend dependa . v pend dependence dependenze - n pend dependent dependente . adj pend depth pofondito . n fond profound descend dechenda . v scend descendant dechendante . adj scend descent dechente . adj scent describe dechibo ' v scrib description dechibono ' n script desert deseta ' n sert deserve deseva ' n serv design desine ' v/n sign desire desire - n/a sir desk decho . n desk despair depherate . adj sper desperate destroy dethugo ' v stroy destruction dethuzono ' n struct destructive dethutive ' adj struct detail deteli ' n tail determine detemina ' v term develop developa . v velop development develomente ' n velop devil devilo . n devilo diamond diamondo . n amond dictionary dizonare ' n dict die mota ' v mort mortal difference diferenze ' n fer different diferente ' adj fer difficult difazile ' adj fac facile difficulty difazile ' n fac facile dig echave ' v cav excavate digestion digethon . n gest dine dinata . v din dinner dinero . n din dip immesa ' n mers immerse direct direte ' adj rect direction direzone ' n rect director diretore ' n rect dirt vile . adj vile vile dirty viliti - n vile vile disagree disagiho ' v gree disappear disapare ' v par disappearance disaparanze ' n par disappoint disapunte ' v punct disapprove disapovo ' v prov discipline dichipinu ' n disciple discomfort dichomfota ' n fort discontent dichontente . adj tent discover dichovera . v cover discovery dichoveri - n cover discuss dichuse ' v cuss discussion dichusone ' n cuss disease moba ' n morb morbid disgust diguthe ' v gust dish dicho . n dish dismiss dimise ' v miss disregard diregada ' v gard disrespect direphete ' v spect dissatisfaction disatifazone ' n satis dissatisfy disatife ' v satis distance dithanze - n stance distant dithante . adj stant distinguish dithingise ' v ting distribution dithibuzono ' n trib district dithito ' n strict disturb dithuba ' v turb ditch canalo . n can canal dive dive - v dive divide divida . v vid division divison . n vis do fera . v fer/fair offer/affair doctor dotore ' n doct dog cano . n can canis dollar dolare ' n doll donkey doncei . n donkey door porto . n port port dot punto . n punct punctuate double dupu ' adj dupl duplicate doubt dubite . adj dubit dubitable down hipo - adv hypo hypoderm dozen dozen . adj dozen drag tanga . v tang tangible draw pite ' v pict picture drawer davero ' n draw dream sonno . n somn somnial dress deso ' n dress drink beva . v bev beverage drive dute ' v duct conduct driving conduzone ' n duct conduct drop cada . v cad cadent drown sumega ' v merge submerge drum dumo ' n drum dry sece . adj sec siccate duck duce ' n duck due devo . n due dull dule ' adj dull during durante - prep dur duration dust dutho . n dust duty obigazonu ' n lig obligation each peri - adj per percent eager anchose . adj anx anxious ear aricu ' n auricul auricular early inzipente . adj cip incipient earn apendo ' v prehend apprehension earnest asidose ' adj sid assiduous earth tere ' n terr territory ease fazilo . n fac facile east orento . n ori oriental eastern orentale . adj ori oriental easy fazile . n fac facile eat vora . v vor voracity edge magina ' n margin margin educate educata . v duc educator educatoro . n duc effect efete ' n fect effective efetive ' adj fect efficiency efizenze ' n fic efficient efizente ' adj fic effort efota ' n fort egg ovo . n ov oval eight ote ' num oct octuple either ambi-une . adj ambi-un ambilateral-unite elastic elathice . adj elast elder senore . adj sen senior elect elete ' v lect election elezone ' n lect electric eletico ' adj electr electrician eletizano ' n electr elephant elefanto . n elephant else alase . adj alias alias elsewhere ato-ubi - pron altr-ubi alternate-ubiquitous empire empiro . n empir employ empogu ' v ploy employee empogigu ' n ploy empty embi - adj empt enclose encosu ' v clos enclosure encosuru ' n clos encourage encoragi ' v cour end fin . n fin final enemy enemi - n enemy engine engino . n gin engineer enginiri ' n gin English Angesu ' n English enjoy enhgoga . v joy enough sufizente ' adj fic sufficient enter ento ' v entr entertain enteteni ' v tain entire entire . adj entir entrance entanzo ' n entr envelope envelopo . n velop envy envi - v envy equal ecale . adj equ error erore ' n err escape echape - v cap especially ephezali . adv spec essence esenze ' n sence essential esenzale ' adj sent even even . adv even evening cepuchulo ' n crepuscle crepuscle event evento . n vent ever etena ' n etern eternity everlasting etenala ' adj etern eternal every peri - adj per percent everybody peri-homo . pron per-hom percent-homicide everyday peri-dio . adv per-di percent-diurnal everyone peri-uno . pron per-un percent-unite everything peri-fate ' pron per-fact percent-fact everywhere peri-ubi . adv per-ubi percent-ubiquitous evil evile . adj evil exact esate ' adj act examine esamine ' v exam example esampu ' n sample excellence ezelenze ' n cell excellent ezelente ' adj cell except ezebe ' conj cept exception ezebone ' n cept excess ezese ' n cess excessive ezesive ' adj cess exchange echange ' v/n change excite ezite ' v cit excuse echuse ' v cus exercise esezisa ' n erc exist esithe ' v sist existence esithenze ' n sist expansion ephanze ' n pans expect ephete ' v spect expense ephense ' v spense expensive ephensive ' adj spense experience epherenze ' n peri expert epheta ' n pert explain ephanu ' v plan explode ephodu ' v plod explore ephoru ' v plor explosion ephosonu ' n plor explosive ephosivo ' adj plos express epheso ' v press expression ephesono ' n press extend ethende ' v tend extension ethensone ' n tens extensive ethensive ' adj tens extent ethente ' adj tent extra etho ' adj extr extraordinary ethaodinaro ' adj extr-ord extreme ethemo ' adj extr eye ocu ' n ocul ocular face faze - n face fact fate ' n fact factory fatore ' n fact fade fada . v fade fail feli ' v fail failure feluri ' n fail faint sombere . adj somber somber faith fideliti - n fid fidelity fall cada . v cad cadent false fale ' adj fall fallible fame fame - n fame familiar familare . adj famil family famili - n famil fan fan . n fan fancy fanzi - n fancy far tele . adj tele television farm fama ' n farm fashion fachon . n fash fast veloze . adj veloc velocity fasten intensifi - v tens intensify fat fate . adj fat fate fatalo - n fat fatality father pato ' n patr patriarch fatten fatiza . v fat fault ere ' n err error favor favoro . n fav favorite favorito . n fav fear tima . v tim timid feast fetho . n fest festival feather pumu ' n plum plume feeble fibu ' adj feeble feed muni - v muni munition feel sensa . v sens sensation feeling sensazon . n sens sensation fellow patenera ' n part partner fellowship patenera ' n part partner female female . adj fem fence fenze . n fence fertile fetila ' adj fert fever febero . n febr febris few paci ' adj pauc paucity fiction fizone ' n fict field domen . n dom domain fierce fieza ' adj fierce fight pune ' v pugn pugnacious figure figure . n fig fill infusa . v fus infuse film fima/movio . n film find secha ' v search search fine finese ' adj fin finesse finger fingero . n finger finish finise ' v fin fire famu ' n flam flammable firm fim(at)a ' n firm first pimo ' adj prim primary fish picho . n pisc piscary fit suti ' v suit suitable five cinte . num quint quintuple fix fise ' v fix fixed fise ' adj fix flag bannero . n ban banner flame famu ' n flam flash fachu ' n flash flat patu ' n plat plate flatten pacatu ' n plac placate flavor favoru ' n flav flesh cana ' n carn carnivore flight avi(to) - n avi avion float fatu ' v float flood deluge - n luge deluge floor foru ' n floor flour forinu ' n flour flow fuvu ' v flu fluent flower foru ' n flor floral fly avi(ta) - n avi avion fold picu ' v plic ply follow seca . v seq sequence fond gutho . n gust disgust food muni - n muni munition fool dummi - n dummy dummy foot pedo . n ped pediform for po - prep pro pro forbid inhibita . v hibit inhibit force foza ' v force force foza ' n force foreign esotice ' adj exot exotic forest foretho . n forest forget obivu ' v liv oblivion forgive echuse ' v cus excuse fork fuca ' v furc bifurcate form foma ' n form formal fomala ' adj formal former fomera ' adj former forth avante ' adj vant advant fortunate fotunata ' adj fort fortune fotuna ' n for forward avante ' adv vant advant frame famo ' n frame framework macothuturo ' n struct macrostructure free libere . adj liber liberate freedom libeta ' n liber liberty freeze figato ' v frig refrigerator frequency fecenzo ' n freq frequent fecento ' adj freq fresh fecho ' adj fresh friend amico . n am amicable friendly amicabu ' n am amicable friendship amiziti - n am amicable fright terife ' v terr terrify frighten terife ' adj terr terrify from ba/de - prep ab/de abdicate/depart front fonto ' n front fruit futo ' n fruct fructuous fry fio ' v fry full penu ' adj plen plenty fun gatulo ' adj grat congratulate funeral funeralo . n fun funny gato ' adj grat congratulate fur furo . n fur furnish funise ' v furn furniture funitura ' n furn further telore . adj tele television future future - n fut gaiety gageti - n gay gain piso ' v pris apprise gallon galone ' n gallon game game - n game gap gapo . n gap garage garage - n gar garden gadena ' n gard gas gaso . n gas gate gate . n gate gather conzentato ' v centr concentrate gay gai . adj gay general generale . adj gen generous generose . adj gen gentle gentu ' adj gentle gentleman sinore ' n sign signor get pendo ' v prehend apprehend gift donazon . n don donation girl fila ' n fill filly give dona . v don donate glad gadu ' adj glad glass vitino ' n vitr vitrine glory goriso ' n glor go va/vasa . n vas invasion goat mutone ' n mutton mutton god dei . n dei deify gold ari ' n aur aurene golden areni ' adj aur aurene good bon . adj bon bon govern govena ' v gov government govenemanta ' n gov governor govenora ' n gov grace gazo ' adj grace gradual gadalo ' adj grad grain gano ' n gran granary grammar gammaro ' n gram grammatical gammaticalo ' n gram grand gando ' adj grand grass heba ' n herb herbivore grateful gatulato ' adj grat congratulate grave gavo ' n grave gray giso ' adj gris griscent grease giso ' adj grease great gando ' adj grand greed cupide . adj cupid cupidity green veda ' adj verd verdant greet congatulato ' v grat congratulate grey giso ' adj gris griscent grind raza . v raz raze ground gondo ' n ground group gopo ' n group grow vegeta . n veget vegetate growth vegetazon . n veget vegetate guard gada ' v gard regard guess gese ' v guess guest cientu ' n cli client guide gida . v guide guilt cimino ' adj crim criminal gun fusilo . n fus fusillade habit habitude - n habit habitude hair pilareo . n pil pilar half semi - adj semi semicycle hall salon . n sal salon hammer hammero . n hammer hand manu - n manu manuscript handkerchief manuzefo . n manu-chef manuscript-chief handle handu ' n handle handshake manuvibato ' n manu-vibr manuscript-vibrate handwriting manuchiburo ' n manu-scipt manuscript hang penda . n pend pendulum hanging pendante . adj pend pendant happen ocure ' v cur occur happy gadu . adj glad harbor habora ' n harbor hard rige . adj rig rigid harden fotiza ' v fort fort hardly gutha - adv just just harm ingura . v jur injure harmony hamona ' n harmon harvest havetha ' n harvest haste rapido . n rapid rapid hasten azelate ' v celer accelerate hat capo . n cap cap hate ranca . v ranc rancor hatred rancoro . n ranc rancor have ha/haba . v hab habit hay hai . n hay he go[sa,se] - pron il illeism/per se head capito . n capit capital headache capipanico . n capit-panic capital-panic headdress capideso ' n capit-dress capital-dress heal cura . v cur cure health sanginite . adj sanguin sanguinity healthy sanginite . n sanguin sanguinity heap pile - n pile pile hear adi ' v aud audio hearing adii ' n aud audio heart coda ' n cord cordial heat febero/a . n/v febr febris heaven paradise - n paradise paradise heavenly paradisale . adj paradise paradisal heavy ponde . adj pond ponderous height atituda ' n alt altitude heighten leva . n lev elevator hello hale ' int hello help sava ' v salv salvation here hizi - pron hic hic jacet hesitate hesitata . v hesit hesitation hesitazon . n hesit hide conzeli ' v ceal conceal high ata ' adj alt altitude highway atevia ' n alt-via altitude-via hill monten . n mount mountain hinder dosa ' n dors dorsal hindrance othacu ' n stacle obstacle hire empogu ' v employ history hithori - n hist history hit tace ' v tack attack hold menteni ' v maintain maintain hole cavo . n cav cave holiday vacazon . n vac vacation hollow embi - adj empt empty holy sante . adj sanct sanctuary home domo . n dom dominion homecoming repatato . v patr repatriate homemade domefabico ' adj dom-fabr dominion-fabric homework domelaboro . adj dom-labor dominion-labor honest honethe . adj honest honesty honethi - n honest honor honoro . n honor hook hoci ' n hook hope phero/a . n/a sper desperate horizon horizon . n horiz horizontal horizontale . adj horiz horse hipe ' n hipp hippomobile hospital hophitalo . n hospit host mathero . n master master hot febo ' adj febr febris hotel hotelo . n hotel hour horo . n hor horary house manson . n mans mansion how ca . adv qual quality how much cante - adv quant quantity however ca-ce . adv qual-quest quality-question human human . n human humble humbu ' adj humble humor humore/o . a/n humor hundred zente . num cent century hunger famine . adj fam famine hunt hunta . v hunt hurrah hure ' int hurray hurry azelere ' v celer accelerate hurt inhiura . v jur injure husband phosi ' v spous spouse hut cotage ' n cot cottage I mi[me,ma] - pron me me ice gazu ' n glac glacier idea idea . n ide ideal ideale . adj ide idle libere . adj liber liberty if si - conj sic sic ill moba ' adj morb morbid imaginary imaginari - adj image imaginative imaginative . adj image imagine imagin . v image imitate imitata . v imit imitation imitazon . v imit immediate immedate . adj medi immense immense . adj mense importance impotanza ' n port important impotanta ' adj port impossible imposibu ' adj poss improve impovo ' v prov impulse impusa ' n puls in in . n in inch incho . n inch include incudu ' v clud inclusive incusivu ' adj clus increase inceaso ' v creas indeed in-fate ' adv in-fact in-fact indoor immurale . adj mur mural industry induthiso ' n dustr influence infuenzu ' n flu influential infuenzalu ' adj flu inform infoma ' v form ink inco . n ink inn motelo . n motel motel inquire incira . v quir inquiry inciri - n quir insect insete ' v sect inside inlate . adj lat lateral instant inthante . adj stant instead in-loca-de - conj in-loc-de in-location-depart instrument inthumento ' n stru insult insuta ' n sult insurance insuranze - n sur insure insura . v sur intend intenda . v tend intention intenzon . n tent interest interethe . adj est interfere intefera ' v fer interference inteferenza ' n fer international intenazonala ' adj nat interrupt interube ' v rupt interruption interubone ' n rupt into ento - prep entr entrance introduce intoduzo ' v duc introduction intoduzono ' n duct invent inventa . v vent invention invenzon . n vent inventor inventoro . n vent invite invita . v vit inward intoveto ' adj vert introvert iron fere ' n ferr ferrum island insulo . n insul insular it go[se,sa] - pron il illeism/per se jaw gavo . n jaw jealous gelosi ' adj jeal jealousy gelosi ' n jeal jelly gele ' n jelly jewel geveleri - n jewel join gunta . v junct junction joint gunto . n junct junction joke humero . n humor humer journey vogage - n voy voyage joy goi . n joy judge guge ' v judge juice guzi ' n juice jump geta . n jet jettison just gutha - adv just justice guthize - n just keep tete ' v tect protect key cei . n key kick cice ' v kick kill zida . v cid suicide kind phezi - n spec species king rego . n reg regal kingdom regime . n reg regime kiss cise ' v kiss kitchen cocine . n cuis cuisine knee genu - n genu genu kneel genu(va) - v genu genu knife badu . n blade blade knock tace ' v tack attack knot enote ' n knot know chia . v sci science knowledge chienze - n sci science lack vana . v van vanish ladder echelon . n echel echelon lady sinorine ' n sign signorina lake lace . n lake lamp lampo . n lamp land tere ' n terr territory landlord teremathere ' n terr-master territory-master language lingo . n ling linguistic large mage . adj maj major last utima ' adj ultim ultimate late retada ' adj tard retard lately retada ' adv tard retard latter latere ' adj latter laugh risa . v ris risible laughter ridiculo . n rid ridiculous law lego . n leg legal lawyer legero . n leg legal lay mita . v mit submit lazy lazi/indolente - adj dol indolent lead gida . v guid guide leadership dutite ' n duct ductility leaf foli - n foli foliage lean cinu ' v clin incline learn apendo ' v prehend apprehend learning apensono ' n prehend apprehension least pacimi ' n pauc pauc leather leteri ' n leather leave depata ' v part depart left sinitho ' adj sinistr sinistral leg cuso ' n crus crus lend lese ' v less lessee length longitude - n long longitude lengthen longifi - v long long less pacori ' adj pauc paucity lessen alevate ' v lev alleviate lesson lesone ' n less let lase ' v lax relax letter letere ' n letter level levelo . n level liar dezebero . n cept deceiver liberty libeta ' n liber liberty librarian libarano ' n libr library libaro ' n libr lid covero . n cover cover lie cumba . v cumb encumber lie dezebon . n cetp deception life vito . n vit vital lift leva . v lev elevator light lumo . adj lum luminance light pale ' v pall palliate lighten lumata . v lum luminance like simila . v simil similar like gutha . v gust disgust likely pobabemento ' n prob probably limb limbo . n limb limit limita/o . v/n limit line line - n line linen linen . n linen lip labo . n lab labial lipstick labethice ' n lab-stick labial-stick liquid licide . adj liquid list litho . n list listen acothi ' v acoust acoustic literary literari - n liter literature literature - n liter little mini - n mini mini live viva . v viv vivacity living vitalo . n vit vitality load onera/ladi ' v oner onerous loaf lafi ' n loaf loan onuso . n onus onus local locale . adj loc lock loce ' v lock lodge loge ' v lodge log logo . n log lonely solitudi . adv sol solitude long longe . adj long longitude look moni/visa - v mon/vis monitor/visible loose relase ' adj lax relax loosen relase ' v lax relax lord domin . n dom dominator lose peda ' v perd perdition loss pedizona ' n perd perdition lot muta ' n mult multiple loud lodi ' n loud love ama . v am amiable love amoro . n am amiable lovely amabu ' adj am amiable low base ' adj bass bass loyal logale . adj loy loyalty logata ' n loy luck fotuna ' n fort lump lumpo . n lump lunch luncho . n luch lung pumona ' n pulmon pulmonary machine machine - n machine machinery machineri - n machine mad manace . n mani maniac madden manita . v mani maniac mail meli ' n mail main capite . n capit capital make fera/fabicato . v fair/fabric affair/fabricate male machule . adj mascul masculin man homo . n hom homicide manage manage - v man manager managero . n man mankind human . n human manner mannero . n manner manufacture manufature ' n manu-fact many muta ' adj mult multiple map alase ' n atlas atlas march macha ' v march mark maca ' v mark market maceta ' n market marriage ephosi ' v spous espouse married ephosi ' adj spous espouse marry eposi ' v spous espouse mass masive ' adj mass master mastero/a . n/v master mat mato . n mat match mache ' v match material materalo . n mater matter matere ' n matter may pota . v pot potent maybe pose-tha - v poss-est possible-est meal dinero . n diner diner mean sema/semanta . adj sem semaphore meantime ze-durante - adv se-dur per se-duration meanwhile ze-durante - adv se-dur per se-duration measure mensura . v mens mension meat cana ' n carn carnivore mechanic mecanice . adj mechan mechanism mecanime ' n mechan medical medicale . adj medical medicine medizin . n medicine meet vega ' v verge converge meeting conferenze - n fer conference melt fusa . v fus fusion member membero . n member membership memberiti - n member memory memori - n memor mend menda . v mend mention menzon . v ment merchant mechanta ' n merch mercy meza ' n mercy mere soli - adv soli solitary merry mere ' adj merry message mesage ' n mess messenger mesengere ' n mess metal metalo . n metal middle mese . n meso meson might pote ~ v pot potent mild bama ' n balm balm mile mile . n mile military militari - adj milit milk late ' n lact lactose mill mile ' n mill mind mentalo . n ment mental mine mineralo . n miner mineral mineral minerale . adj miner mineral minister minithero . n ministr minute minute . n minut miserable miserabu ' adj miser misery miseri - n miser miss vana . n van vanish mistake mithena . v ten tenant mix mithe ' v mixt mixture mixed mite ' adj mixt mixture mixture miture ' n mixt mixture model modelo . n mod moderate moderate . adj mod moderation moderazon . n mod modern modena ' adj mod modest modethe . adj mod modesty modethi - n mod moment momento . n mo momentary momentari - adj mo money moneto . n monet monetary monkey moncei . n monkey month menso . n mens mensal moon luna - n lun lunar moonlight lune-lumin . n lun-lum lunar-lumin moral moralo . n mor more pusu ' adj plus plus moreover po-pusu . adv pro-plus pro-plus morning matin . n matin matin most mase ' adj max max mother mato/matera . n matr matriarch motherhood matenita ' n mater motherly matementa ' n mater motion mozon . n mo motor motoro . n mot mountain monteni ' n mount mouse mosi ' n mouse mouth otho . n ost ostium move moba . v mob mobile much muta ' adv multi multiple mud mudo . n mud multiplication mutipicazonu ' n mult multiply mutipicu ' v mult murder zida . v cide suicide music musico . n mus musician musizan . n mus must manda . v mand mandatory mystery mitheri - n myster nail neli ' n nail name nomo . n nom nominate narrow anguthe . adj angust angustifoliate nation nazon . n nat native native . adj nat natural naturale . n nat nature nature - n nat near poso ' adj prox approximate neat neti ' n neat necessary nezesare ' adj necess necessity nezesite ' n necess neck cole ' n colo collar need peta . v pet petition needle nidu ' n needle neglect negetu ' v neg-lect neighbor vizin . n vicin vicinity neighborhood viziniti . n vicin vicinity neither ambi-nule ' pron ambi-nul ambilateral-nul nephew nepoto . n nepot nepotism nest netho . n nest net neto . n net network nevoca ' n net-work never netena ' adv non-etern non-eternal new nove(le) . adj nov novel news novi ~ n nov novel newspaper novipapero . n nov-paper novel-paper next nethe ' adj next nice nize . adj nice niece nepota . n nepot nepotism night note ' n noct nocturnal nine nove . num nov november no no - adj no noble nobu/nobile ' adj noble nobility nobody nile ' pron nil nil noise nusi ' n noise none nule ' pron null null noon midi - n mid-di middle-diurnal nor ne/ne-o - conj neg-or neg-or normal nomala ' adj norm north nota ' n north northern notena ' adj north nose naso . n nas nasal not ne - adv neg negative note nota . v not notation notebook notelibo . n not-libr notation-library nothing nule ' n null null notice notize - n not noun nomin . n nom nomination now curente ' adv curr current nowadays a-pesento ' adv ad-sent advent-present nowhere no-ubi - adv no-ubi no-ubiquitous nuisance nusanzi ' n nuis number numero . n numer numeral numerous numerose . adj numer numerous nurse nusa ' n nurse nursery nusera ' n nurse nut nuto . n nut oar ari ' n oar obedience obedenze - n obed obedient obedente . adj obed obey obei . v obey object ogete ' v ject objection ogezone ' n ject observe oseva ' n serve occasion ocazone ' n cas ocean ozean . n ocean of de - prep de depart off ethe ' prep extr exterior offend ofende ' v fend offense ofense ' n fense offer ofere ' v fer office ofize ' n fic officer ofizere ' n fic official ofizale ' adj fic often fecentemento ' adv freq frequently oil uli ' n oil old sen . adj sen senior old-fashioned sen-fachone . adj sen-fash senior-fashion omission omisone ' n miss omit omita . v mit on su/supe - prep super super once mono - adv mono monotone one une/un . num uni unite only soli . adv soli solitude onto superada . prep super-ad super-advent open oveta ' v overt overture operate operata . v oper operation operazon . n oper operator operatoro . n oper opinion opinon . n opin opportunity opotunita ' n port oppose opose ' v pos opposite oposite ' adj pos opposition oposizone ' n pos or o - conj or or orange orange - n orange order odera ' n order ordinary odinara ' adj ord organ ogana ' n org organize oganiza ' v org origin origin . n ori ornament onamenta ' n orn other ato ' pron altr alternate otherwise si-non - adv sic-non sic-non ought deva . v dev due ounce onze - n ounce out uto ' adv ultr ulterior outline pofilo ' n file profile outside utolato ' adj ultr-lat ulterior-lateral outward ethoveto ' adj vert extravert over supera - prep super super overcome sumonta ' v mount surmount overflow supefuvu ' n flu fluent owe ova . v owe own posese ' v sess possess ownership posesone ' n sess possession pack pace ' v pack package pacage ' n paccage pad pado . n pad page page - n page pain panico . n pan panic paint pite ' v pict picture pair paro . n par parent pale pale . adj pale pan pano . n pan paper papero . n papero parallel paralele ' adj par parcel pacela ' n parc pardon padona ' v don parent parento . n par park paca ' n park part pata ' n part particle paticu ' n part particular paticulara ' adj part partner patenera ' n part party pata ' n part pass pase ' v pass passage pasage ' n pass passenger pasengere ' n pass past pase ' n pass paste patha . v paste pastry pathiso ' n pastr path roti ' n route route patience pazenze - n pat patient pazento . n pat patriotic patotice . adj patr pattern patena ' n patter pause reposa . v pos repose paw pavo . n paw pay tibo ' v trib contribute peace paze . adj pac pacific pearl pela ' n pearl peculiar peculare . adj pecul pen thilo . n styl stylus pencil cagono . n crayon crayon penny penni - n penny people populo . n popul population per pere - prep per percent perfect pefete ' adj fect perfection pefezone ' n fect perform pefoma ' v form performance pefomanza ' n form perhaps pobabemento ' adv prob probably permanent pemanta ' adj man permission pemisone ' n miss permit pemita ' v mit person pesona ' n pers persuade pesuada ' v suad persuasion pesuasona ' n suad pet peto . n pet photograph fotogafo ' n phot-graph photography fotogafiso ' n phot-graph physical fisicale . adj phys pick ingetha . v gest digest picture piture ' n pict piece pizi ' n piece pig poca ' n pork pork pigeon pigon . n pigeon pile pile - n pile pin pin . n pin pinch pincha . v pinch pink pince . adj pink pint pinto . n pint pipe pipe - n pipe pity piti - n pity place loco . n loc location plain panu ' adj plain plan panu ' n plan plant pantu ' n plant plaster patheru ' v plaster plate patu ' n plate play luda . v lud elude pleasant pesantu ' adj pleas please po-favora - adv pro-favor pro-favor pleasure pesuru ' n pleas plenty penu ' n plen plenary plow povu ' n plow plural puralu ' adj plur pocket pocete ' n pocket poem poemo . n poem poet poeto . n poet point punto . n punct punctuate poison pusoni ' n pois police polize - n pol polish polise ' adj pol polite polite . adj pol political politicale . adj pol politician politizan . n pol politics politise ' n pol pool poli ' n pool poor povere . adj pover poverty popular populare . adj popul population populazon . adj popul position posizon . n pos possess posese ' v sess possession posesone ' n sess possessor posesore ' n sess possible posibu ' adj poss post potha/o . v/n post postpone pothepona . v pon pot poto . n pot pound libera - n liber libera pour infusa . v fus infuse poverty poveta ' n pover powder puvera ' n pulv pulverant power potento . n pot potence practical paticalo ' adj pract practice patizo ' adj pract praise apezato ' v prec appreciate pray pago ' v pray preach avocate ' v voc avvocate precious pezoso ' adj prec prefer pefero ' v fer preference peferenze - n fer prejudice pegudizo ' n jud prepare peparo ' v par presence pesenzo ' n sence present pesente ' adj sent present donazon ' v don donazon preserve pesevo ' v serv president pesidento ' n sid press peso ' v press pressure pesuro ' n press pretend petendo ' v tend pretense petenso ' n tense pretty pucho ' adj pulchr pulchritude prevent pevento ' v vent prevention pevenzon ' n vent price pizo ' n price pride aroganze ' n rog arrogance priest pietho ' n priest print pinto ' n print prison pisono ' n pris private pivato ' adj priv prize pizo ' n priz probable pobabo ' adj prob problem pobemu ' n blem procession pozesono ' n cess produce poduzo ' v duc product poduto ' v duct production poduzono ' n duct profession pofesono ' n fess profit pofito ' n fit program pogamo ' n gram progress pogeso ' n gress promise pomiso ' n/v mis prompt pombo ' n prompt pronounce ponunzo ' v nunc pronunciation ponunzazono ' n nunc proof povo ' n prove prove proper popero ' adj proper property popetiso ' n proper proposal poposalo ' n pos propose poposo ' v pos protect poteto ' v tect protection potezono ' n tect proud arogante ' adj rog arrogant prove povo ' v prove provide povido ' v vid public pubicu ' n publ pull tira . v tir retire pump pumpa/o . v/n pump punctual puntale . adj punct punish punise ' v pun pupil pupilo . n pupil pure pure . adj pur purple violete . adj violet violet purpose puposa ' n pose push pele ' v pel expellant put pona . v pon exponent puzzle puzu ' n puzzle qualification calificazon . n qual qualify califi - v qual quality caliti - n qual quantity cantiti - n quant quarrel carele ' v quarrel quart cuata ' n quart quarter catemo ' num quad quadplex queen regina . n reg reginal question cethon . n quest quick zelere . adj celer celerity quiet silente . adj sil silent quite veri . adv ver verify rabbit rabite ' n rabbit race raze . n race radio radio . n rad rail reli ' n rail railroad relevii ' n rail-via rail-via rain puvu ' v pluv pluvial raise orita . v ori orient rank ranco . n rank rapid rapide . adj rapid rare rare . adj rare rate rate - n rate rather verore . adj ver verify raw cudo ' adj crude crude ray rago . n ray razor razoro . n raz reach riva . v riv arrive read lete ' v lect lecture ready peparu ~ adj par prepare real reale . adj real realize realiza . v real reason razon . n rat reasonable razonabu ' adj rat receipt rezibi ' n ceipt receive rezeba . v cept recent rezente . adj cent recognition reconizone ' n cogn recognize reconize ' v cogn recommend recommenda . v mend record recoda ' n/v cord red rube/rose ' adj rub ruby redden rubiza . v rub reduce reduza . v duc reduction reduzone ' n duct refer refera . v fer reference referenze - n fer reflect refetu ' v flect reflection refezone ' n flect refresh refecho ' v fresh refuse refusa . v fus regard regada ' v gard regret regeto . v gret regular regulare . adj regul rejoice reguzi ' n joyce relate relata . v lat relation relazon . n lat relative relative . adj lat relief relevo . n lev relieve releva . v lev religion religon . n lig remain remeni ' n main remark remaca ' v mark remedy remedi - n med remember remembera . v membr remind reminda . v mind rent renta . v rent repair repara . v par repeat repeta . v pet repetition repetition repetizon . n pet replace repazu ' v place reply repicu ' v plic report repota ' v port represent repesento ' v sent representative repesentativo ' n sent reproduce repoduzo ' v duc reproduction repoduzono ' n duct republic repubicu ' n public reputation reputazon . n put request recetha/o . v/n quest rescue rechuva . v scue reserve reseva ' n/v serv resign resine ' v sign resist resitha . v sist resistance resithanze - n sist respect rephete ' v spect responsible rephonsibu ' adj spons rest retha . v rest restaurant retharanti ' n staur result resuta ' n sult retire retira . v tir return retuna ' v turn revenge revenge . v venge review revisa . v vis reward revada ' v ward ribbon ribone ' n ribbon rice rize - n rice rich abonde . adj bound abound rid evada . v vad evade ride condute ' v duct conduct right rete/detho ' adj rect/dextr correct/dexterity ring ringo . n ring ripe mature . adj matur ripen maturiza . v matur rise ori . v ori orient risk richa . v risk rival rivalo . n rival rivalry rivara ' n rival river rivero . n rivero road roti ' n rout roar voca . v voc vocal roast torefe ' v torr torrefy rob roba . v rob robbery robere ' n rob rock roce ' n rock rod rodo . n rod roll role ' v roll roof atice ' n attic attic room chambero . n chamber chamber root radi - n rad radix rope rope - n rope rot decada . v cad decadent rotten decadente . adj cad decadent rough rude . adj rude rude round ronde . adj rond row rovo . n row royal rogale . n roy royalty rogata ' n roy rub raza . v raz raze rubber rubere ' n rubber rubbish refusu ~ n fus refuse rude rude . adj rud rug capeta ' n carp carpet ruin ruino . n ruin rule regu ' n regul regulate run cure ' v curr current rush zelerata . v celer celerity rust theni ' n stain stain sacred sacedo ' adj sacr sacrifice sacifizo ' v sacr sad givo ' adj griev grieve sadden depeso ' v press depress saddle sade ' n saddle safe secure . adj secur security safety securiti - n secur security sail navigata . v nav navigate sailor marine - n mar marine sake casi ' n cause cause salary salari - n sal salary sale vendo . n vend vendor salesman vendoro . n vend vendor salt salo . n sal saline same sime . adj sim similar sample sampu ' n sample sand sando . n sand satisfaction satifazone ' n satis satisfactory satifatore ' adj satis satisfy satife ' v satis sauce sazi ' n sauce saucer sazeri ' n sauce save sava . v save saw sava . v saw say dita . v dit condition scale chale - n scal scarce chaza ' adj scarce scatter diphesa ' v pers disperse scene chene - n scen scenery cheneri - n scen scent chento . n scent school cholo . n schol scholar science chienze - n sci scientific chientifice . adj sci scientist chientitho . n sci scissors chisore ' n sciss scold amonise ' v mon admonish scorn dephisa . v spis despise scrape abado ' v rad abrade scratch chacho ' v scratch screen diphagu ' n play display screw filature - n fil filature sea maro . n mar marine search secha ' v search season sesoni ' n sais seat sido . n sid president second seconde . num sec second secrecy secezo ' n crec secret seceto ' n cret secretary secetaro ' n cret see visa . v vis visable seed semin . n semin seminal seem similata . v simil assimilate seize sizi ' v seize seldom rarementi . adv rare self pivo ' adj priv private selfish pivatimo ' n priv privatism sell venda . v vend vendor send senda . v send sense sense/a - n/a sens sensitive sensitive . adj sens sentence sentenze - n sent separate separata . v par separation separazon . n par serious serose . adj ser servant sevanta ' n serv serve seva ' v serv service seviza ' n serv set sumba . n sumpt assumption settle posita . v pos posit seven sete ' num sept septuple several severale . adj sever severe severe . adj sever sew oganiza ' v org organize shade ochurite ' n scur obscurity shadow ochurite ' n scur obscurity shake vibato ' v vibr vibrate shall deva ' v dev due shallow supefizala ' adj fic superficial shame chame - n shame shape figo . n fig figure share pozona ' n port portion sharp acute . adj ac acute sharpen acutiza . v ac acute shave raza . v raz raze she ga[se,sa] - pron la las vegas/per se sheep mutone ' n mutton mutton sheet pagin . n pagin paginal shelf famo ' n frame frame shell tethazean . n test testacean shelter covetura ' n cover coverture shield chutumo . n scut scutum shilling chilinge ' n shill shine bilato ' v brill brilliant ship navalo . n nav naval shirt vetho . n vest vestment shock cuse ' v cuss percussion shoe chuhi ' n shoe shoot gaca . v jac jaculate shop thore - n store store shore cothalo . n coast coastal short cuta ' adj curt curtail shorten cuteli ' v curt curtail should deve ~ v dev due shoulder humero . n humer humerus shout voca . v voc vocal show diphagu ' v play display shower lavata . v lav lavatory shut cusu ' v clus inclusion sick mobida ' adj morb morbid side lato . n lat lateral sight vison . n vis vision sign sine ' n sign signal sinale ' n sign signature sinature ' n sign silence silenze - n sil silent silente . adj sil silk sica ' n silk silver agenta ' n argent argentine simple simpu . adj simple simplicity simpizitu . n simple since aba - conj ab abdicate sincere sinzere . adj since sing canta . v cant cantata single singu ' adj single singular sink immega ' v merge immerge sir sinore ' n sign signor sister sorora - n soror sororal sit sitha . v sist persist situation sitazon . n sit six sise ' num six size dimenson . n mens dimension skill tenice ' n techn technique skin dema ' n derm dermatology skirt apono ' n apr apron sky zelo . n cel celestial slave savu ' n slav slavery saveru ' n slav sleep doma ' v dorm dormant slide sidu ' v slide slight pale ' n pall palliate slip sipu ' v slip slippery siperu ' n slip slope sopu ' n slope slow lente . adj lent lento small mine . adj min minor smell odoro . n odor odor smile surise ' n ris risibile smoke fumo . n fum fume smooth lubizoso ' adj lubr lubricious snake sepenta ' n serp serpent snow nivo . n niv nival so si - pron sic sic soap acala ' n alkali alcali social sozale . adj soc society sozieti - n soc sock soce ' n sock soft mole ' adj moll emollient soften emolate ' v moll emolliate soil tere ' n terr territory soldier milito . n milit militia solemn solenne . n solemn solid solid . adj solide solution soluzon . n solu solve sova/soluta ' v solv/solu solve/solution some zetena ' adj cert certain somebody zeten-homo . pron cert-hom certain-homicide somehow zeten-ca - adv cert-qual certain-quality someone zeten-uno . pron cert-uni certain-unite something zeten-fate . pron cert-fact certain-fact sometime zeten-tempi . adv cert-temp certain-temporal sometimes fecentemento ' adv freq frequently somewhere zeten-ubi - adv cert-ubi certain-ubiquitous son filo ' n fill filly song canzon . n cant chanson soon cuta ' adv curt curtly sore panice . adj pan panic sorrow degete ' adj ject deject sorry depeso ' adj press depress sort sota ' n sort soul phirito . n spir spirit sound sono . n son soup sopi ' n soup sour azide . adj acid south soteni ' adj south southern sow pocina ' n pork pork space phaze - n space spade phade - n spade spare phare . adj spare speak pala ' n parl parliament special phezale . adj spec speech pala ' n parl parley speed veloziti - n veloc velocity spell phele ' v spell spend ephende ' v spend expend spill phile ' n spill spin rota . v rot rotate spirit phirito . n spir spit phita . v spit spite contaro ' n contr contrary splendid phendiu ' adj splend split divida . v vid divide spoil dethogo ' v stroy destroy spoon phoni ' n spoon sport phota ' n sport spot photo . n spot spread diphesa ' v perse disperse spring pintempo ' n prim-temp primary-temporal square cadatico ' n quad quadratic staff thafe ' n staff stage thage - n stage stain theni ' n stain stair echelon . n echel echelon stamp ateli - n ateli philately stand thanza . v stance stance standard thandada ' n stand star thele ' n stell constellation start commenza . v mence commence state thate - n state station thazon . n stat stay thanza . v stance stance steady thabu ' adj stable stable steam vaporo . n vapor vapor steel thili ' n steel steep obicu ' adj lic oblique steer condute ' v duct conduct stem tunco ' n trunc trucal step pave - n pave pavement stick thice ' n stick sticky ahesive . adj hes adhesive stiff rigide . adj rig rigid stiffen fotifa ' v fort fortify still thatice . adj stat static sting thinga . v sting stir thimulata . v stimul stimulate stock thoce ' n stock stocking thocinge ' n stock stomach thomaco . n stomach stone peto ' n petr petrify stop resitha . v sist resist store thore - n store storm tempetho . n tempest tempest story thori - n story stove thove - n stove straight retale ' adj rect rectal straighten retife ' v rect rectify strange thango ' adj strange strap ribone ' n ribbon ribbon straw thavo ' n straw stream curente ' n curr current street roti ' n route route strength fotituda ' n fort fortitude strengthen fotifa ' v fort fortify stretch dilata . v lat dilate strict rigorose . adj rig rigorous strike cuse ' v cuss percussion string thingo ' n string strip depivo ' v priv depriv stripe bando . n band band stroke cusone ' n cuss percussion strong fota ' adj fort fort struggle elaborata . v labor elaborate student thudento . n stud student study thudi - v stud stuff materalo . n mater material stupid thupide . adj stupid subject suhiete ' n ject substance suthanze ' n stance succeed suzidi ' v ceed success suzese ' n cess such si - pron sic sic suck imbiba . v bib imbibe sudden sudene ' adv sudden suffer sufere ' v fer sugar sacarine ' n sacch saccharine suggest sugethe ' v gest suggestion sugethone ' n gest suit suti ' n suit summer summero . n summer sun solo . n sol solar supper dinero . n din diner supply supetu ' v ple supplement support supota ' v port suppose supose ' v pos sure sure . adj sur surface sufaza ' adj face surprise supiso ' n price surround suronde ' v round suspect supete ' v spect suspicion suphizon . n spic suspicious suphizose . adj spic swallow vora . v vora voracity swear aseta ' v sert assert sweat pephira ' v spir perspire sweep chana . v scan scan sweet duza ' adj dulc dulcet sweeten duzifa ' v dulc dulcify swell infatu ' v flat inflate swim nanata . v natat natation swing pendulata . v pend pendular sword gadisu ' n glad gladiator sympathetic simpatetice . adj path sympathy simpateti - n path system sithemo . n stem table tabu ' n table tail teli ' n tail tailor telori ' n tail take tena . v ten tenant talk convesa ' v vers converse tall ata ' adj alt altitude tame pacabu ' adj plac placable tap tate ' v tact contact taste tatha . v taste tax tase ' n tax taxi tase ' n tax tea teo . n te teach educa . v duc educate tear lacimo ' n lacr lacrimal telegraph telegafo ' n graph telephone telefon . n phon tell infoma ' v form inform temper tempero . n temper temperature temperature - n temper temple tempu - n temple tempt temba . v tempt ten dece . num dec decade tend intenda . v tend intend tender tendere . adj tend tent tento . n tent term tema ' n term terrible teribe ' n terribu test tetha . v test than co-di/ce - conj com-id common-id est thank gazo . v grace grace that di/idi - pron id id est the la/le . pron la las vegas theater teatero . n theat theatrical teaticalo ' adj theat then da/ada - conj ad advent there idi - pron id id est therefore ada - conj ad advent these hozi - pron hoc ad hoc they lu[li,lo] - conj lor lord thick dense . adj dens density thicken densifi - v dens densify thief futiva ' n furt furtive thin mazere . adj macer emaciate thing fate ' n fact fact think pensa . v pens pensive thirst dehidato ' adj hydr dehydr this zi[ze,ze] - conj hoc hoc est thorn phinose . adj spin spinous thorough chutinoso ' adv scrut scrutinous those idi - pron id id est though anti/conto - pron anti/contr antigen/contrary thousand mile ' num mil millimeter thread line - n line linear threat deterore ' v ter deter threaten deterore ' v ter deter three tiso ' num tri triple throat laringo . n laryng laryngology through dia - prep dia diameter throw gete ' v ject project thumb tumbo . n thumb thunder bathu ' n blash blash thus da - conj ad advent ticket ticete ' n tick tide suga ' n surge surge tidy tidi - adj tidy tie catenat . n caten catenate tight intense . adj tens intensity tighten intensifi - v tens intensify till ada - conj ad advent time tempo . n temp temporal tin thannumo . n stan stannum tip ame ' n acme acme tired fatige . adj fatig fatigue title titu ' n title to a - prep ad advent tobacco tobace ' n tabacc today hodi - adv hoc-di hoc est-diurnal toe tuhi ' n toe together convega ' adv verge converge tomorrow pothedi - adv post-di posterior-diurnal ton ton . n ton tongue lingu(vo) - n lingu linguiform tonight ho-note ' adv hoc-noct hoc-nocturnal too re - adv re repeat tool utilo . n util utility tooth dento . n dent dental top cetho ' n crest crest total totale . adj tot touch tate ' v tact contact tough rigide . adj rig rigid tour torimi ' n tour tourism toward vesa ' prep vers adverse towel tovelo . n towel tower turete ' n turr turret town munizipo . n municip municipal toy ludete ' n lud elude track taco ' v track trade tado ' n trade train teno ' n train translate tanselato ' n lat translation tanselazono ' n lat translator tanselatoro ' n lat trap tapo ' n trap travel tavelo ' v traval tray dicho . n disc disc treasure tesuro ' n treasur treasury tesuro ' n treasur treat tato ' v tract tract tree abora ' n arbor arboreal tremble temoro ' v temor temor trial tialo ' adj tri tribe tibalo ' n trib tribal trick thatego ' n strateg strategy trip torimi ' n tour tourism trouble annoganze - n noy annoyance true vere . adj ver verify trunk tunco . n trunc truncal trust fida . v fid fidelity truth veriti . n ver verity try atembe ' v tempt attempt tube tube - n tub tune tune - n tun turn tuna ' v turn twist totosa ' v tort tortuous two du - num du duplicate type tipe - n typ ugly defoma ' adj form deformed umbrella umbele ' n umbr uncle uncu ' n uncle under bu/subu - prep sub subtract underneath sutere ' adj subter subterrane understand compendo ' v prehend comprehend union unon . n uni unite unit unito . n uni unite unita . v uni unity uniti . n uni universal univesala ' adj vers universe univesa ' n vers university univesita ' n vers unless si-non - conj sic-non sic-non until ada - conj ad advent up hipere - adv hyper hyperactive upon hipe-su - prep hyper-super hyperactive-super upper hiperale . adj hyper hyperactive uppermost hiperime . adj hyper hyperactive upright veticala ' adj vert vertical upset revesa ' adj vers reversal urge uga ' v urge urgent ugenta ' adj urge use utila . v util utilize usual usale . adj us vain vaniti . n van valley valege ' n valley valuable valabu ' adj val value valu(vo) - n val variety varieti - n var various varose . n var veil macho . n mask mask verb vebala ' n verb verbal verse vesa ' n vers very veri - adv ver vessel vesele ' n vessel victory vitore ' n vict view vitho . n vist vista village vilage ' n vill violence violenze - n viol violent violente . adj viol virtue vitu(va) - n virt visit visita . v vis visitor visitoro . n vis voice vuzi ' n voice vote vota . v vot vowel vovelo . n vowel voyage vogage - n voy wage salari - n sal salary waist lumbaro . n lumbar lumbar wait tenda/atende ' v tend attendant waiter atendante ' n tend attendant waiting atendante ' adj tend attendant wake suga ' v surge resurge walk ambu ' v amble amble wall muro . n mur mural wander peripateta . v pat peripatetic want vola . v vol volunteer war gere ' n guerr guerrilla warm febere . adj febr febris warmth febeta ' adj febr febris warn cazoni ' n caut wash lava . v lav lavatory waste pofuso ' v fus profuse watch monita . v mon monitor water aco . n aqu aquarium wave undo . n und undulate wax zere - n cere cere way via - n via via we nu[ni,na] - pron notr notre dame weak debile . adj debil debilitate weaken debilitata . v debil debilitate wealth fotuna ' n fort fortune weapon amamenta ' n arm armament wear deso ' v dress dress weather cimatu ' n clim climate weave oganiza ' v org organize weed rudero . n rud ruderal week sebon . n sept septuple weekday sebon-di - n sept-di septuple-diurnal weekend sebon-fin . n sept-fin septuple-final weigh gavito ' v grav gravity weight gavito ' n grav gravity welcome benevena . n ben-ven beneficial-venture well bene - adv bene benediction west ozidente ' n cid occidental western ozidentale ' adj cid occidental wet hume . adj hum humid what ce - pron quest question whatever ce-ce - pron quest-quest question-question wheat veti ' n wheat wheel zicu ' n cycle bicycle when can/cando - pron quant quantity whenever can-ce - adv quant-quest question-question where u/ubi - adv ubi ubiquitous wherever ubi-ce - adv ubi-quest ubiquitous-question whether si/si-o-no - conj sic-or-non sic-or-non which cale - pron qual quality whichever cale-ce - adv qual-quest quality-quest while como - conj com common whip fagelo ' v flagel flagellate whisper mumura ' v murmur murmur whistle siren . n siren siren white aba/bancu . adj alb/blank albatross/blank whiten abifate ' v alb albifaction who ci - pron quis requisition whoever ci-ce - adv quis-quest requisition-question whole entire . adj entir entire whom ci - pron quis requisition whose cise - pron quis requisition why pa . pron pars parse wicked virule . adj vir virule wide late . adj lat latitude widen dilata . v lat dilate widow solihusore ' n soli-uxor solitude-uxorial widower soliphosi ' n soli-spous solitude-spouse width latitude - n lat latitude wife usore ' n uxor uxorial wild savage . adj savage savagery will va/vola . v vas/vol invasion/voluntary win vinza . v vinc vincible wind vento . n vent ventilate window fenethero . n fenestr fenestral wine vin . n vin vinegar wing pumagu ' n plum plumage winter hibena ' n hibern hibernate wipe erasa . v ras erase wire thingo ' n string string wisdom sofia - n soph philosophy wise sofie . n soph philosophy wish desire/a - n/v sir desire with con . prep con connect within con-in . prep con-in connect-in without non/van . prep non/van nonexistet/vanity witness evidenze - n vid evidence woman fema - n fem feminine wonder incisita . v quis inquisitor wood line ' n lign ligneous wooden linife ' n lign lignify wool mutone-pumu ' n mutton-plum mutton-plume word veba ' n verb verb work labora . v labor labor world mundo . n mund mundane worm gema ' n germ germ worry conzena ' v cern concern worse maline ' adj mal malign worship idolata . v idol idolatrize worth pezoso ' adj prec precious would vole ~ v vol voluntary wound inhiuri - n jur injury wrap pacage ' v pack package wreck debiso ' n bris debris wrist conhiunto . n junct conjunct write chibo ' v scrib describe wrong ere ' adj err error yard cota ' n court court year anno . n ann anniversary yellow favu ' adj flav flavine yes si/tha - int sic/est sic/id est yesterday ante-di - n anti-di antigen-diurnal yet re/encori - adv re/encor repeat/encore yield sumite ' v mit submit you tu[te,ta] - pron thou thou young gun . adj jun junior youth guvenilo . n juven juvenile zero zero . n zero adjective comparative superlative ----------- ----------- ----------- bon *melore *obime male *pesore *pesime maie magore *masime mine minore minime muta *pusu *mase paci pacori pacimi