Simplify consonants and consonant clusters to the consonants as below by the rules below.
{b} | {p} | {m} | {f} | {v} | ||
{d} | {t} | {n} | {s} | {ts} | {dz} | {j} |
{g} | {k} | {h} | {w} | {l} |
Simplify the double vowels by the rules below.
Convert vowel {y} to {i}.
For consonants after the closing nasal, move it to the left and repeat the nasal sound.
Keep the first consonant in a syllable.
Convert the following consonants in a syllable by the rules below.
Consonant | Immediately before main vowel {i} | Immediately after main vowel {i} | Immediately before main vowel {u} | Immediately after main vowel {u} | Before main vowel | After main vowel |
{b} / {p} | {uuf} | {fuu} | {eez} | {zee} | {uuf} | {fuu} |
{v} / {f} | {uuv} | {vuu} | {eez} | {zee} | {uuv} | {vuu} |
{d} / {t} | {ooh} | {hoo} | {iih} | {hii} | {iih} | {hii} |
{s} / {ts} / {dz} | {oow} | {woo} | {iij} | {jii} | {iij} | {jii} |
{g} / {k} | {oov} | {voo} | {iiz} | {zii} | {iiz} | {zii} |
{w} | {uuw} | {wuu} | {eej} | {jee} | {uuw} | {wuu} |
{l} | {uuh} | {huu} | {eeh} | {hee} | {uuh} | {huu} |
The first column is Latin word. The second column is the form after moving consonants. The third column is Doudouling word.
Examples:Latin | Moved | Doudouling |
state | stat | siihahii |
sper | sper | suufewuu |
sport | sport | suufowuuhi |
science | stsiesn | soowiejiin |
photo | foto | foto |
wagon | vagon | vagon |
cent | tsetnn | tsehiinn |
center | tsentew | tsentewuu |
aqu | ak | azii |
aquatic | akuatik | akuativoo |
question | kuestsion | kuejiitsion |
tank | taknn | taziinn |
xerox | tsewoks | tsewoziiji |
chocolate | tsokolat | tsokolahii |
just | dzust | dzujiihii |
adoption | adoptsion | adofuutsion |
train | train | tuuwain |
tract | trag | tuuwazii |
create | kweat | kuuweahii |
glad | glad | guuhahii |
class | klas | kuuhajii |
cause | kaus | kaujii |
daemon | daemon | daemon |
coffee | koffei | kovuufei |
moustache | moustats | moujiitajii |
phoenix | foeniks | foenivoojii |
phoenician | foenitsian | foenitsian |
europe | euwop | euwofuu |
return | weturn | wetujeen |
depart | depawt | depawuuhii |
alt | alt | ahuuhii |
art | awt | awuuhii |
arts | arts | awuujii |
culture | kultuw | kuheetujee |
court | kouwt | koujeehii |
cant | katnn | kahiinn |
simple | simple | simpuuhe |
hom | hom | hom |
autumn | autumn | autum |
environment | enviwonmetnn | enviwonmehiin |
fact | fag | fazii |
experiment | eksperimetnn | eziijiipewimehiinn |
sign | sign | sivoon |
sing | signn | sivoonn |
dogmatic | dogmatik | doziimativoo |
construct | kosnntwug | kojiinnteejuzii |
verb | vewb | vewuufuu |
partner | pawtnew | pawuuhiinewuu |
investment | investmetnn | invejiihiimehiinn |
continue | kontinu | kontinu |
Doudouling | doudoulignn | doudoulivoonn |
data | data | data |
exact | eksag | eziisazii |
slave | slav | suuhavuu |
salv | salv | sahuuvuu |
next | nekst | neziijiihii |
The stress is at the last non-double vowel.
For each group, the first line is Doudouling; the second line is Latin roots; and the third line is English meaning.
Tituuhe : Babehuu Teziijiihii, Genesiwoo, Bibuuhe title : babel text , genesis , bible Title : Babel Text , Genesis , Bible --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:1 Tohii la muhiinn ejii de un livoonn e de un pawohuu. tot illa mund est de un ling et de un parol . The whole earth was of one language and of one speech . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:2 Du vojajii he lu a la owientahuu, oziikujee he ihuu ke diwookovewuu ha lu un dur voyage hab lor ad illa oriental , occur hab il que discover hab lor un As they journeyed east , it happened, that they have found a puuhan in la tewuu de la Tsinawuu; e vivuu he lu ihoo . plan in illa terr de illa Shinar ; et viv hab lor id . plain in the land of Shinar ; and they lived there. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:3 Divoo lu un a un ahuutewuu, "Ven , ni laziiji a fezii le tihuu , e li kombujiihii dikt lor un ad un alter , "ven , nostr lax ad fekt ill tile , et lor combust They said one to another , "Come, let's make bricks, and burn them entiwemehiinn." Hafuu lu la tihuu po la petewuu, e utiliwoo lu la tawuu po la mowuutawuu. entire ." hab lor illa tile pro illa petr , et utiliz lor illa tar pro illa mortar . thoroughly ." They had brick for stone , and they used the tar for the mortar . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:4 Divoo lu , "Ven , ni laziijii kojiinnteejuzii po ni un ujeefuu, e un tujeewehii, dikt lor, "ven , nostr lax construct pro nostr un urb , et un turret , They said, "Come, let's build us a city , and a tower , ken kapihoo awuuwivuu a la tsehuu, e ni laziijii a fezii po ni un nom ; que capit arrive ad illa cele , et nostr lax ad fekt pro nostr un nom ; whose top reaches to the sky , and let's make us a name; eziijiitsefuu ke divihoo ti nu a uheetewuu su la sujeefajii de tohii la muhiinn." except que divid ten nostr ad ulter super illa surface de tot illa mund ." lest we be scattered abroad on the surface of the whole earth ." --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:5 Dzehova dejiitsehiinn a miwuu la ujeefuu e la tujeewehii, kem le infahiinn de le hom Jehowa descend ad mir illa urb et la turret , que illa infant de ill hom Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower , which the children of men kojiinnteejuzii ha . construct hab. had built . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:6 Dzehova divoo, "Ahiitentsion, ejii lu un popuhee, e hafuu lu tohii un livoonn ; Jehowa dikt , "attention , est lor un popul , et hab lo tot un ling ; Yahweh said , "Behold , they are one people , and they have all one language; e ejii tsi kem owidzinahii lu a fezii. Tsiihefuumm nuhee , kem intehiinn lu et est hic que originate lor ad fekt . hic-temp nul , que intend lor and this is what they begin to do . Now nothing, which they intend a fezii, wesiwoohii ti va afuu li . ad fekt , resist ten vas ab lor . to do , will be withheld from them. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:7 Ven , ni laziijii dejiitsehiinn, e ihoo konfujii lo livoonn , Ven , nostr lax descend , et id confus lor ling , Come, let's down , and there confuse their language, ahii ne pohii lu kompuuwehehiinn la pawohuu de un ahuutewuu." ad neg pot lor comprehend illa parol de un alter ." that they may not understand one another's speech ." --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:8 Ahii Dzehova li divihoo a uheetewuu de ihoo a la sujeefajii de tohii la muhiinn. ad Jehowa lor divid ad ulter de id ad illa surface de tot illa mund . So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth . Wejiihii lu a kojiinnteejuzii la ujeefu. Rest lor ad construct illa urb . They stopped building the city . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 11:9 Ahii sa nom afuupehuu ti ko Babehuu, afuu Dzehova konfujii he la ad se nom appel ten com Babel , ab Jehowa confus hab illa Therefore the name of it was called as Babel , because Yahweh confused the livoonn de tohii la muhiinn, ihoo . De ihoo , Dzehova li divihoo a uheetewuu ling de tot illa mund , id . De id , Jehowa lor divida ad ulter language of all the earth , there. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad su la sujeefajii de tohii la muhiinn. super illa surface de tot illa mund . on the surface of all the earth . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Tituhe : Na Patewuu title : nostr pater Title : Our Father --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Na patewuu in la tsehu , nostr pater in illa cel , Our fater in heaven, saziinn ejii ta nom . sanct est tu nom . saint is your name. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Ven ta wedzim , ven tu regime , Come your kingdom, fezii ti ta voluhiinn, fekt ten tu volunt , done your will , ko in la tsehuu e su tewuu. com in illa cel et sur terr . as in heaven and on earch. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Na pewi-diwoo pan tu don tsoohiwoo. nostr per-dies pan tu don hic-dies. Our everyday bread you give today . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Pawuudon tu na le debihoo, pardon tu nostr ill debit , Forgive you our debts , ko pawuudon ha nu na le debitowuu. com pardon hab nostr nostr ill debitor . as we have forgotten our debtors . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- E tu ne ni duzii entewuu tefuummtatsion, et tu neg nostr duc entr temptation , and you not us lead into temptation , ofuu ni libewahii tu eziijiitewuu de malivoon. ob nostr liberat tu exter de malign . but you us liberate out of malign . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Amen. amen. Amen. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Alphabet | La ahuufabehii | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phonetics | La fonetivoojii | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stress | La ajiheen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The stress is at the last non-double vowel. | La aziitsehiinn ejii in la finahuu non-dupuuhe vovehuu. |
2004 Created
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