Column 1. English word 2. Dodolingi word 3. type of ending vowel ' : compensated - : natal ~ : semantic natural . : natural 4. type of word 5. Latin or English root 6. reference word in English (obleted if it is the same with 1.) English Doudouling V Type Root Reference -------------- --------------- - ---- ----------- -------------------- ada therefore - conj ad advent till - conj ad advent until - conj ad advent alase else . adj alias alias map ' n atlas atlas ama army ' n arm love . v am amiable ame breath ' v atmo atmosphere tip ' n acme acme anchose anxious . adj anx eager . adj anx anxious annoianze annoyance - n noy trouble - n noy annoyance apendo earn ' v prehend apprehension learn ' v prehend apprehend ari gold ' n aur aurene oar ' n oar ata art ' n art high ' adj alt altitude tall ' adj alt altitude atembe attempt ' v/n tempt try ' v tempt attempt atendante waiter ' n tend attendant waiting ' adj tend attendant avante forth ' adj vant advant forward ' adv vant advant badu blade ' n blade knife . n blade blade bando band . n band stripe . n band band barele barrel ' n barrel bucket ' n barrel barrel base base - n bas bottom ' n bass bass low ' adj bass bass bele beautiful ' adj bell belle bell ' n bell bondari border - n bond boundary boundary - n bond bucho brush ' v brush bush . n brush cada card ' n card drop . v cad cadent fall . v cad cadent canalo canal . n can canal ditch . n can canal cantiti amount - n quant quantity quantity - n quant capo cap . n cap hat . n cap cap care care - n care carry ' v carr casi cause ' n cause sake ' n cause cause cavo cave . n cav hole . n cav cave cazoni caution ' n caut warn ' n caut cedito belief ' n cred credit credit ' n cred chienze knowledge - n sci science science - n sci ci who - pron quis requisition whom - pron quis requisition cise kiss ' v kiss whose - pron quis requisition cocine chicken ' n cocc kitchen . n cuis cuisine commeza business ' n merc commerce commerce ' n merce competu already ' adv plet completely complete ' n plet condute ride ' v duct conduct steer ' v duct conduct congatulato congratulate ' v grat greet ' v grat congratulate conzena concern ' v cern worry ' v cern concern conzentato altogether ' adv centr concentrate gather ' v centr concentrate cota court ' n court yard ' n court court cotage cottage ' n cot hut ' n cot cottage cura cure . v cur heal . v cur cure curente current ' a/n curr now ' adv curr current stream ' n curr current cuse shock ' v cuss percussion strike ' v cuss percussion cusu close ' v clus inclusion shut ' v clus inclusion cuta short ' adj curt curtail soon ' adv curt curtly cuva curl ' v curv curve curve ' n curv decada decay . v cad decadent rot . v cad decadent depata away ' adv part depart leave ' v part depart depeso sadden ' v press depress sorry ' adj press depress deseva belong ' v serv deserve deserve ' n serv deso dress ' n dress wear ' v dress dress deterore threat ' v ter deter threaten ' v ter deter deva ought . v dev due shall ' v dev due dezebon deceit . n cept deception lie . n cetp deception dia across - prep dia diagonal through - prep dia diameter dicho dish . n dish tray . n disc disc difazile difficult ' adj fac facile difficulty ' n fac facile dilata stretch . v lat dilate widen . v lat dilate dinero dinner . n din meal . n diner diner supper . n din diner diphaiu screen ' n play display show ' v play display diphesa scatter ' v pers disperse spread ' v perse disperse divida divide . v vid split . v vid divide donazon gift . n don donation present ' v don donazon dosa back ' n/a dors dorsal hinder ' n dors dorsal echelon ladder . n echel echelon stair . n echel echelon echuse excuse ' v cus forgive ' v cus excuse embi empty - adj empt hollow - adj empt empty empoiu employ ' v ploy hire ' v employ entire entire . adj entir whole . adj entir entire ento enter ' v entr into - prep entr entrance ephosi marriage ' v spous espouse married ' adj spous espouse ere fault ' n err error wrong ' adj err error esotice abroad ' adv ex exotic foreign ' adj exot exotic etena always ' adv eter eternal ever ' n etern eternity ezebe beside ' prep cept except except ' conj cept famo frame ' n frame shelf ' n frame frame famu fire ' n flam flammable flame ' n flam fate deed ' n fact fact fact ' n fact fat . adj fat thing ' n fact fact fecentemento often ' adv freq frequently sometimes ' adv freq frequently figo cold ' adj frige refrigerator shape . n fig figure filaie daughter ' n fill filly girl ' n fill filly filuse boy ' n fil filly son ' n fill filly fise fix ' v fix fixed ' adj fix fonto ahead ' adv front front ' n front foru floor ' n floor flower ' n flor floral fotifa stiffen ' v fort fortify strengthen ' v fort fortify fotuna fortune ' n for luck ' n fort wealth ' n fort fortune foza force ' n force force ' v force furi anger - adj fur fury angry - adv fur furious gadu glad ' adj glad happy . adj glad gando big ' adj grand grand ' adj grand great ' adj grand gavito weigh ' v grav gravity weight ' n grav gravity gazo grace ' adj grace thank . v grace grace gida guide . v guide lead . v guid guide giso gray ' adj gris griscent grease ' adj grease grey ' adj gris griscent human human . n human mankind . n human humero joke . n humor humer shoulder . n humer humerus idi there - pron id id est those - pron id id est ielosi jealous ' adj jeal jealousy ' n jeal infoma inform ' v form tell ' v form inform infusa fill . v fus infuse pour . v fus infuse inhiura harm . v jur injure hurt . v jur injure intenda intend . v tend tend . v tend intend intensifi fasten - v tens intensify tighten - v tens intensify iutha hardly - adv just just just - adv just late broad . adj lat latitude milk ' n lact lactose wide . adj lat latitude latitude breadth . adj lat latitude width - n lat latitude leva heighten . n lev elevator lift . v lev elevator libere free . adj liber liberate idle . adj liber liberty libeta freedom ' n liber liberty liberty ' n liber liberty line line - n line thread - n line linear wood ' n lign ligneous materalo material . n mater stuff . n mater material mere cheer ' adj merry merry merry ' adj merry mile mile . n mile mill ' n mill thousand ' num mil millimeter moba disease ' n morb morbid ill ' adj morb morbid move . v mob mobile mota dead ' adj mort mortal die ' v mort mortal muni feed - v muni munition food - n muni munition muta lot ' n mult multiple many ' adj mult multiple much ' adv multi multiple mutone goat ' n mutton mutton sheep ' n mutton mutton nota north ' n north note . v not notation nule none ' pron null null nothing ' n null null ochurite shade ' n scur obscurity shadow ' n scur obscurity oganiza organize ' v org sew ' v org organize weave ' v org organize origin begin . n origin origin origin . n ori pacage package ' n paccage wrap ' v pack package pala speak ' n parl parliament speech ' n parl parley pale light ' v pall palliate pale . adj pale slight ' n pall palliate panico ache . n pan panic pain . n pan panic panu plain ' adj plain plan ' n plan pase ago ' n pass past pass ' v pass past ' n pass pata part ' n part party ' n part patenera fellow ' n part partner fellowship ' n part partner partner ' n part patu flat ' n plat plate plate ' n plate pela call . v pell appellate pearl ' n pearl penu full ' adj plen plenty plenty ' n plen plenary pere any - adj per percent per - prep per percent peri each - adj per percent every - adj per percent pesidento chairman ' n sid president president ' n sid peto pet . n pet stone ' n petr petrify pezoso precious ' adj prec worth ' adj prec precious phirito soul . n spir spirit spirit . n spir picu bend ' v plic ply fold ' v plic ply pile heap - n pile pile pile - n pile pinto pint . n pint print ' n print pite draw ' v pict picture paint ' v pict picture pizo price ' n price prize ' n priz po-pusu besides ' adv pro-plus pro-plus moreover . adv pro-plus pro-plus pobabemento likely ' n prob probably perhaps ' adv prob probably pose can ' v poss possible could ' v poss possible posese own ' v sess possess possess ' v sess posesone ownership ' n sess possession possession ' n sess pota bring ' v port porter may . v pot potent potha after - prep post posterior behind - prep post posterior povo proof ' n prove prove prove ' v prove punto dot . n punct punctuate point . n punct punctuate raza grind . v raz raze rub . v raz raze shave . v raz raze re also - adv re repeat too - adv re repeat relase loose ' adj lax relax loosen ' v lax relax resitha resist . v sist stop . v sist resist retada late ' adj tard retard lately ' adv tard retard ribone ribbon ' n ribbon strap ' n ribbon ribbon rigide stiff . adj rig rigid tough . adj rig rigid roti path ' n route route road ' n rout street ' n route route rude rough . adj rude rude rude . adj rud salari salary - n sal salary wage - n sal salary sanginite health . adj sanguin sanguinity healthy . n sanguin sanguinity sava help ' v salv salvation save . v save saw . v saw secha find ' v search search search ' v search sete cut ' v sect section seven ' num sept septuple si if - conj sic sic so - pron sic sic such - pron sic sic si-non otherwise - adv sic-non sic-non unless - conj sic-non sic-non sido chair . n sid president seat . n sid president silente quiet . adj sil silent silent . adj sil sinore gentleman ' n sign signor sir ' n sign signor soli mere - adv soli solitary only . adv soli solitude solitudi alone . adv sol solitude lonely . adv sol solitude suga tide ' n surge surge wake ' v surge resurge supera above - prep super over - prep super super suti fit ' v suit suitable suit ' n suit tace hit ' v tack attack knock ' v tack attack tase tax ' n tax taxi ' n tax tate tap ' v tact contact touch ' v tact contact tere earth ' n terr territory land ' n terr territory soil ' n terr territory terife fright ' v terr terrify frighten ' adj terr terrify tesuro treasure ' n treasur treasury ' n treasur thanza stand . v stance stance stay . v stance stance theni rust ' n stain stain stain ' n stain thingo string ' n string wire ' n string string thore shop - n store store store - n store torefe bake ' v torr torrefy roast ' v torr torrefy torimi tour ' n tour tourism trip ' n tour tourism tunco stem ' n trunc trucal trunk . n trunc truncal vana lack . v van vanish miss . n van vanish veri quite . adv ver verify very - adv ver vesa toward ' prep vers adverse verse ' n vers vetho cloth . n vest vestment shirt . n vest vestment voca roar . v voc vocal shout . v voc vocal voiage journey - n voy voyage voyage - n voy vora eat . v vor voracity swallow . v vora voracity ze-durante meantime - adv se-dur per se-duration meanwhile - adv se-dur per se-duration zetena certain ' n cert some ' adj cert certain zicu circle ' n circle wheel ' n cycle bicycle zicuma about ' prep circ circumstance around ' prep circum zida kill . v cid suicide murder . v cide suicide