1. English word
2. Doudouling word
3. type of ending vowel
   ~ : semantic
   ' : compensated
   - : natal
   . : natural
4. type of word
5. Latin or English root
6. reference word in English
   (obleted if it is the same with 1.)

English         Doudouling     V Type Root        Reference            Category
--------------- -------------- - ---- ----------- -------------------- ----------
a               un             . num  uni         unite                article
the             la/le          . pron la          las vegas

about/around    ziicun         . prep circ        circumstance         main preposition
across/through  dia            - prep dia         diagonal
after           potha          - prep post        posterior
against         anti           - prep anti        antibody
among(st)       into           ' prep intra       intracell
as              co/como        - prep com         common
before          avvan(ta)      - conj vant        advance
between         inte(re)       - prep inter       international
by              pe             - prep per         percept
for             po             - prep pro         pro
in              in             . n    in
into            ento           - prep entr        entrance
of              de             - prep de          depart
off             ettho          - prep extr        exterior
on              su/supe        - prep super       super
per             pere           - prep per         percent
to              a              - prep ad          advent
toward          veesa          - prep vers        adverse
under           bu/subu        - prep sub         subtract
with            con            . prep con         connect

along           tazo           ' prep trace                            other preposition
at              a/in           - prep ad/in       advent/in
beside/except   ezzeba         - prep cept        except
from            ba/de          - prep ab/de       abdicate/depart
instead         in-loca-de     - conj in-loc-de   in-location-depart
onto            superada       . prep super-ad    super-advent
over            supera         - prep super       super
upon            hipe-su        - prep hyper-super hyperactive-super
within          con-in         . prep con-in      connect-in
without         non/van        . prep non/van     nonexistet/vanity

although/though conto          ' conj contr       contrary             conjunction
and             e              - conj et          et cetera
because         essa           - conj ex          exteroir
but             bo/obo         - conj ob          obstacle
else            alase          . adj  alias       alias
if              si             - conj sic         sic
or              o              - conj or          or
since           aba            - conj ab          abdicate
than            co-di/ce       - conj com-id      common-id est
then            da/ada         - conj ad          advent
thus            da             - conj ad          advent
till            ada            - conj ad          advent
unless          si-non         - conj sic-non     sic-non
until           ada            - conj ad          advent
while           como           - conj com         common

he              io[sa,se]      - pron il          illeism/per se       personal pronoun
I               mi[me,ma]      - pron me          me
it              io[se,sa]      - pron il          illeism/per se
she             ia[se,sa]      - pron la          las vegas/per se
they            lu[li,lo]      - conj lor         lord
we              nu[ni,na]      - pron notr        notre dame
you             tu[te,ta]      - pron thou        thou

how             ca             . adv  qual        quality              interrogative pronoun
how much        cante          - adv  quant       quantity
what            ce             - pron quest       question
when            can/cando      - pron quant       quantity
where           u/ubi          - adv  ubi         ubiquitous
whether         si/si-o-no     - conj sic-or-non  sic-or-non
which           cale           - pron qual        quality
who/whome       ci             - pron quis        requisition
whose           cise           - pron quis        requisition
why             pa             . pron pars        parse

anybody         pere-homo      . pron per-hom     percent-homicide     combinatorial pronoun
anyhow          pere-ca        - adv  per-ca      percent-quality
anyone          pere-uno       . pron per-uni     percent-unite
anything        pere-fatto     . pron per-fact    percent-fact
anyway          pere-via       - adv  per-via     percent-via
anywhere        pere-ubi       - adv  per-ubi     percent-ubiquitous
everybody       peri-homo      . pron per-hom     percent-homicide
everyday        peri-dio       . adv  per-di      percent-diurnal
everyone        peri-uno       . pron per-un      percent-unite
everything      peri-fatto     . pron per-fact    percent-fact
everywhere      peri-ubi       . adv  per-ubi     percent-ubiquitous
however         ca-ce          . adv  qual-quest  quality-question
nowhere         no-ubi         - adv  no-ubi      no-ubiquitous
otherwise       si-non         - adv  sic-non     sic-non
therefore       ada            - conj ad          advent
whatever        ce-ce          - pron quest-quest question-question
whenever        can-ce         - adv  quant-quest question-question
wherever        ubi-ce         - adv  ubi-quest   ubiquitous-question
whichever       cale-ce        - adv  qual-quest  quality-quest
whoever         ci-ce          - adv  quis-quest  requisition-question

all             tote/o         . a/n  tot         total                other pronoun
any             pere           - adj  per         percent              
another         un-aato        ' adj  uni-altr    unite-alternate
both            ambi           - adj  ambi        ambilateral
every/each      peri           - adj  per         percent
here            hizi           - pron hic         hic jacet
nobody          nillo          . pron nil         nil
none            nullo          . pron null        null
nothing         nullo          . n    null        null
other           aato           ' pron altr        alternate
self            pivo           ' adj  priv        private
so              si             - pron sic         sic
some            zeeten         . adj  cert        certain
such            si             - pron sic         sic
that            di/idi         - pron id          id est
there           idi            - pron id          id est
these           hozi           - pron hoc         ad hoc
this            zi[ze,ze]      - conj hoc         hoc est
those           idi            - pron id          id est

bad             male           . adj  mal         malicious            property adjetive
beautiful       belle          . adj  bell        belle
big             gando          ' adj  grand       grand
cold            figo           ' adj  frige       refrigerator
damp/set        hume/humide    . adj  humid       humid
deep            pofondo        ' adj  fond        profound
dry             sece           . adj  sec         siccate
few             pauce          . adj  pauc        paucity
good            bon            . adj  bon         bon
hard            rige           . adj  rig         rigid
heavy           ponde          . adj  pond        ponderous
high/tall       aate           . adj  alt         altitude
hot             febo           ' adj  febr        febris
large           maie           . adj  maj         major
light           palle          . adj  pall        palliate
little          mini           - n    mini        mini
long            longe          . adj  long        longitude
low             basse          . adj  bass        bass
many            muute          . adj  mult        multiple
much            muuti          . adv  muuti       multiple
new             nove(le)       . adj  nov         novel
old             sen            . adj  sen         senior
plain           panu           ' adj  plain
short           cuute          . adj  curt        curtail
small           mine           . adj  min         minor
soft            molle          . adj  moll        emollient
strong          foote          . adj  fort        fort
thick           dense          . adj  dens        density
thin            mazere         . adj  macer       emaciate
young           iun            . adj  jun         junior

best            obime          . adj  opt         optimal              property adjective variant
better          melore         . adj  melior      ameliorate
least           paucime        . n    pauc        pauc
less            paucore        . adj  pauc        paucity
more            pusu           ' adj  plus        plus
most            masse          . adj  max         max
worse           malimne        . adj  mal         malign

east            orento         . n    ori         oriental             positiona adjective
far             tele           . adj  tele        television
left            sinitho        ' adj  sinistr     sinistral
middle          mese           . n    meso        meson
near            posso          ' adj  prox        approximate
north           nooto          . n    north
right           rette/dettho   . adj  rect/dextr  correct/dexterity
west            ozzidento      . n    cid         occidental

afraid          timide         . adj  tim         timid                other adjective
easy            fazile         . n    fac         facile
false           falle          . adj  fall        fallible
fast            veloze         . adj  veloc       velocity
free            libere         . adj  liber       liberate
full            penu           ' adj  plen        plenty
funny           gato           ' adj  grat        congratulate
half            semi           - adj  semi        semicycle
narrow          anguthe        . adj  angust      angustifoliate
peace           paze           . adj  pac         pacific
poor            povere         . adj  pover       poverty
quick           zelere         . adj  celer       celerity
safe            secure         . adj  secur       security
same            sime           . adj  sim         similar
slow            lente          . adj  lent        lento
true            vere           . adj  ver         verify
wide            late           . adj  lat         latitude
wrong           erre           . adj  err         error

eight           otte           . num  oct         octuple              numeric
first           pimo           ' adj  prim        primary
five            cinte          . num  quint       quintuple
hundred         zente          . num  cent        century
last            uutime         . adj  ultim       ultimate
nine            nove           . num  nov         november
one             une/un         . num  uni         unite
quarter         catemo         ' num  quad        quadplex
second          seconde        . num  sec         second
seven           sette          . num  sept        septuple
six             sisse          . num  six
ten             dece           . num  dec         decade
thousand        mille          . num  mil         millimeter
three           tiso           ' num  tri         triple
two             du             - num  du          duplicate
zero            zero           . n    zero

again           encori         . adv  encore      encore               adverb
already         competu        ' adv  plet        completely
also            re             - adv  re          repeat
always          eteeni         . adv  eter        eternal
down            hipo           - adv  hypo        hypoderm
not             ne             - adv  neg         negative
once            mono           - adv  mono        monotone
only            soli           . adv  soli        solitude
out             uuto           ' adv  ultr        ulterior
ready           peparu         ~ adj  par         prepare
soon            cuuti          . adv  curt        curtly
too             re             - adv  re          repeat
up              hipere         - adv  hyper       hyperactive
well            bene           - adv  bene        benediction
yet             re/encori      - adv  re/encor    repeat/encore

be              tha/etha       . v    est         id est               modal verb
become          devena         . v    ven         venture
can             possa          . v    poss        possible
dare            vala           . v    val         valiant
do              fera           . v    fer/fair    offer/affair
have            ha/haba        . v    hab         habit
have not/lack   vana           . v    van         vanish
let             lassa          . v    lax         relax
make            fera/fabicato  . v    fair/fabric affair/fabricate
may             pota           . v    pot         potent
must            manda          . v    mand        mandatory
need            peta           . v    pet         petition
ought           deva           . v    dev         due
shall           deva           ' v    dev         due
will            va/vola        . v    vas/vol     invasion/voluntary

believe         cedo           ' v    cred        credit               mental verb
fear            tima           . v    tim         timid
feel            sensa          . v    sens        sensation
forget          obivu          ' v    liv         oblivion
fright          terrifi        - v    terr        terrify
hate            ranca          . v    ranc        rancor
hope            phero/a        . n/a  sper        desperate
know            chia           . v    sci         science
like            gutha          . v    gust        disgust
love            ama            . v    am          amiable
mean            sema/semanta   . adj  sem         semaphore
think           pensa          . v    pens        pensive
trust           fida           . v    fid         fidelity
want            vola           . v    vol         volunteer

arise/raise     ori(ta)        - v    ori         orient               motion verb
bring           poota          . v    port        porter
climb           monta          . n    mont        mount
come            vena           . v    ven         venture
drag            tanga          . v    tang        tangible
fall            cada           . v    cad         cadent
fly             avi(ta)        - n    avi         avion
follow          seca           . v    seq         sequence
gain            piso           ' v    pris        apprise
get             pendo          ' v    prehend     apprehend
give            dona           . v    don         donate
go              va/vasa        . n    vas         invasion
hit             tacca          . v    tack        attack
join            iunta          . v    junct       junction
jump            ieta           . n    jet         jettison
keep            tetta          . v    tect        protect
lay             mita           . v    mit         submit
lie             cumba          . v    cumb        encumber
lift            leva           . v    lev         elevator
load            onera/lauda    . v    oner        onerous
move            moba           . v    mob         mobile
pull            tira           . v    tir         retire
push            pella          . v    pell        expellant
put             pona           . v    pon         exponent
run             curra          . v    curr        current
take            tena           . v    ten         tenant
throw           ietta          . v    ject        project
walk            ambu           ' v    amble       amble

birth           natalo         . n    nat         natal                corporal verb
die             moota          . v    mort        mortal
drink           beva           . v    bev         beverage
eat             vora           . v    vor         voracity
hear            auda           . v    aud         audio
laugh           risa           . v    ris         risible
listen          acoutha        . v    acoust      acoustic
live            viva           . v    viv         vivacity
say             dita           . v    dit         condition
see             visa           . v    vis         visable
sing            canta          . v    cant        cantata
sit             sitha          . v    sist        persist
sleep           dooma          ' v    dorm        dormant
speak           paala          . n    parl        parliament
stand           thanza         . v    stance      stance
swim            nanata         . v    natat       natation
wake            suuge          - v    surge       resurge

beat            bata           . v    bat         baton               manual verb
bend            picu           ' v    plic        ply
close           cusu           ' v    clus        inclusion
cut             setta          . v    sect        section
draw            pitta          . v    pict        picture
feed            muni           - v    muni        munition
fight           pumna          . v    pugn        pugnacious
hang            penda          . n    pend        pendulum
heal            cura           . v    cur         cure
mend            menda          . v    mend
kill            zida           . v    cid         suicide
open            oveeta         . v    overt       overture
pay             tibo           ' v    trib        contribute
play            luda           . v    lud         elude
read            letta          . v    lect        lecture
rub             raza           . v    raz         raze
sell            venda          . v    vend        vendor
set             sumba          . n    sumpt       assumption
strike          cussa          . v    cuss        percussion
touch           tatta          . v    tact        contact
treat           tatto          ' v    tract       tract
use             utila          . v    util        utilize
wash            lava           . v    lav         lavatory
work            labora         . v    labor       labor
write           chibo          ' v    scrib       describe

ask             roga           . v    rog         interrogative        other verb
bath            meese          - v    mers        immerse
begin           origin         . n    origin      origin
call            pela           . v    pel         appellate
change          vari/change    - n    var         variance
help            saava          . v    salv        salvation
lead            gida           . v    guid        guide
lean            cinu           ' v    clin        incline
lend            lessa          . v    less        lessee
like            simila         . v    simil       similar
lose            peeda          . v    perd        perdition
marry           eppousa        . v    spous       espouse
meet            veega          . v    verge       converge
melt            fusa           . v    fus         fusion
roar            voca           . v    voc         vocal
seem            similata       . v    simil       assimilate
spin            rota           . v    rot         rotate
wait            tenda/attenda  . v    tend        attendant
win             vinza          . v    vinc        vincible

arm             bazo           ' n    brace       embrace              body
back            dooso/e        . n/a  dors        dorsal
blood           sangin         . n    sanguin     sanguine
body            coopo          . n    corp        corporal
bone            oso            . n    os          os
brain           zefalo         . n    ceph        cephal
chest           pettoro        . n    pect        pectoral
ear             auricu         ' n    auricul     auricular
eye             ocu            ' n    ocul        ocular
foot            pedo           . n    ped         pediform
hair            pilareo        . n    pil         pilar
hand            manu           - n    manu        manuscript
head            capito         . n    capit       capital
heart           coodo          . n    cord        cordial
leg             cuso           ' n    crus        crus
lip             labo           . n    lab         labial
lung            puumon         . n    pulmon      pulmonary
meat            caano          . n    carn        carnivore
mouth           otho           . n    ost         ostium
neck            collo          . n    colo        collar
nose            naso           . n    nas         nasal
skin            deemo          . n    derm        dermatology
tear            lacimo         ' n    lacr        lacrimal
tongue          lingu(vo)      - n    lingu       linguiform
tooth           dento          . n    dent        dental
waist           lumbaro        . n    lumbar      lumbar

afternoon       pothamidi      - n    mid-di      midlle-diurnal       time
autumn          autonno        . n    autumn
month           menso          . n    mens        mensal
morning         matin          . n    matin       matin
night           notto          . n    noct        nocturnal
noon            midi           - n    mid-di      middle-diurnal
time            tempo          . n    temp        temporal
today           hodi           - adv  hoc-di      hoc est-diurnal
tomorrow        pothedi        - adv  post-di     posterior-diurnal
tonight         ho-notto       - adv  hoc-noct    hoc-nocturnal
week            setton         . n    sept        septuple
year            anno           . n    ann         anniversary
yesterday       ante-di        - n    anti-di     antigen-diurnal

aunt            anta           - n    aunt                             relative
boy/son         filluso        . n    fil         filly
brother         fato/fatero    ' n    frater      fraternity
child           infanto        . n    infant      infant
father          pato           ' n    patr        patriarch
friend          amico          . n    am          amicable
girl/daughter   fillaia        - n    fill        filly
mother          mato/matera    . n    matr        matriarch
neighbor        vizin          . n    vicin       vicinity
nephew/niece    nepoto         . n    nepot       nepotism
sister          sorora         - n    soror       sororal
uncle           uncu           ' n    uncle

bird            avi            - n    avi         aviculture           biology
cow             vaccina        - n    vacc        vaccine
deer            venison        . n    venis       venison
dog             cano           . n    can         canis
egg             ovo            . n    ov          oval
fish            picho          . n    pisc        piscary
flower          foru           ' n    flor        floral
fruit           futto          ' n    fruct       fructuous
goat/sheep      mutton         . n    mutton      mutton
grass           heebo          . n    herb        herbivore
horse           hippo          . n    hipp        hippomobile
knee            genu           - n    genu        genu
leaf            foli           - n    foli        foliage
pig             pooco          . n    pork        pork
root            radi           - n    rad         radix
seed            semin          . n    semin       seminal
snake           seepento       . n    serp        serpent
tree            aaboro         . n    arbor       arboreal

black           nigo           ' adj  nigr        nigrate              color
blue            azure          . adj  azure       azure
gray            giso           ' adj  gris        griscent
green           veede          . adj  verd        verdant
red             rube/rosse     . adj  rub         ruby
white           aabe/bancu     . adj  alb/blank   albatross/blank
yellow          favu           ' adj  flav        flavine

cloud           nebulo         . n    nebul       nebula               weather
snow            nivo           . n    niv         nival
wind            vento          . n    vent        ventilate

disease         moobo          . n    morb        morbid               abstract noun
dream           sonno          . n    somn        somnial
end             fin            . n    fin         final
language        lingo          . n    ling        linguistic
law             lego           . n    leg         legal
life            vito           . n    vit         vital
name            nomo           . n    nom         nominate
noun            nomin          . n    nom         nomination
number          numero         . n    numer       numeral
place           loco           . n    loc         location
shape           figo           . n    fig         figure
smell           odoro          . n    odor        odor
soul            phirito        . n    spir        spirit
sound           sono           . n    son
thing           fatto          . n    fact        fact
war             gerro          . n    guerr       guerrilla
weight          gavito         ' n    grav        gravity
word            veebo          . n    verb        verb

earth           terro          . n    terr        territory            physical noun
glass           vitino         ' n    vitr        vitrine
gold            auro           . n    aur         aurene
ice             gazu           ' n    glac        glacier
iron            ferro          . n    ferr        ferrum
light           lumo           . n    lum         luminance
milk            latto          . n    lact        lactose
salt            salo           . n    sal         saline
side            lato           . n    lat         lateral
smoke           fumo           . n    fum         fume
sugar           saccarin       . n    sacch       saccharine
water           aco            . n    aqu         aquarium
wood            limno          . n    lign        ligneous

city            uubo           . n    urb         urban                geography noun
country         paiso          . v    pays        paysage
island          insulo         . n    insul       insular
land            terro          . n    terr        territory
map             allaso         . n    atlas       atlas
moon            luna           - n    lun         lunar
sea             maro           . n    mar         marine
sky             zelo           . n    cel         celestial
star            thello         . n    stell       constellation
stone           peto           ' n    petr        petrify
sun             solo           . n    sol         solar
tide            suuge          - n    surge       surge
world           mundo          . n    mund        mundane

god             deio           . n    dei         deify                person noun
husband         phouso         . v    spous       spouse
king            rego           . n    reg         regal
lord            domin          . n    dom         dominator
man             homo           . n    hom         homicide
queen           regina         . n    reg         reginal
thief           fuutivo        . n    furt        furtive
wife            ussoro         . n    uxor        uxorial
woman           fema           - n    fem         feminine

bag             saco           . n    sac         sack                 other noun
boat/ship       navo           . n    nav         naval
book            libo           . n    libr        library
bridge          ponto          . n    pont        pontine
chair           sido           . n    sid         president
door            porto          . n    port        port
hall            salon          . n    sal         salon
home            domo           . n    dom         dominion
kind            phezi          - n    spec        species
money           moneto         . n    monet       monetary
pen             thilo          . n    styl        stylus
point           punto          . n    punct       punctuate
school          cholo          . n    schol       scholar
seat            sido           . n    sid         president
sword           gadisu         ' n    glad        gladiator
tower           turreto        . n    turr        turret
wall            muro           . n    mur         mural
window          fenethero      . n    fenestr     fenestral
wine            vin            . n    vin         vinegar

hello           hallo          - int  hello                            interjection
no              no             - adj  no
thank           gazo           . v    grace       grace
yes             si/tha         - int  sic/est     sic/id est